“I hope not too many of them,” I blurted out after wincing as the burn of the sharp alcohol hit the back of my throat. I’d planned to try and sneak off without much fuss. Now that chance was long gone. “You know what I’m like…”

“That’s all more the reason for everyone to come and celebrate the night with you, isn’t it?” Jed chuckled and patted Hardin’s shoulder as he rounded the back of the bar for his shift. “You didn’t think you’d get away with it that easily. I mean Dee’s even managed to swap things around with Walker and Sebastian and cover a shift last minute,” he added as my mouth parted at how each of them had gone to be here. “They couldn’t be here, but trust me when I say they have added to the fun of the evening for you. The next round and the pizzas due in the next hour are on them.” He chuckled as Hardin reached for three shots before passing one to me and then to Ant and holding it up in the air to salute me. “We can't have you being too drunk, too early in the evening, can we?”

“Could call it an early night then,” I joked out loudly as Anthony rolled his eyes at me. “What!” I glared at him, squinting my eyes as he smirked at me. I could tell he was enjoying this and to be honest, if the tables had been turned, I’d be lapping up the attention, too. Screw that, I’d probably hired a stripper for the night and really got the party going. Surely, he wouldn’t have done something like that. He knows better than anyone that I hate being the sole focus of attention around people? This was pure hell for me. Therefore, eliciting pure joy for him. “Anthony, please tell me that a few drinks are as far as Hardin and your plans have gone for tonight?” I queried, leaning forward. “If you’ve planned something else…,” I whispered to him. “You need to pre-warn me and show me the damn exit, as I’m not staying,” I uttered quickly, giving the bar the once over again to see if anyone looked out of place. “You know better, I hate being the center of attention?”

“Me?” Anthony feigned in shock, fisting his white shirt with his hand and turning to Hardin. “Would I ever do anything but organize drinks for my brother?” He chuckled. “I mean he’s only been sulking in my apartment for a year.”

“Hardin…” I implored. “He wouldn’t be up to anything, would he? I mean…” I blurted out, starting to panic at how our two minds could actually be so alike. Maybe he just contacted Justin and Myles. That could be it… Yeah… My heart pounded against the rib cage in my chest as the urge to be sick rose. “Are you going to tell me? Does anyone else know or am I getting myself worked up for nothing?” I continued allowing the thoughts to ramble out as Jed slid across another shot to me.

“Drink up.” He cut in. “Best let the alcohol at least be in the system whatever the fuck they have in store, hey!”

“I think your advice makes perfect sense,” I declared, slamming the empty shot, after downing it, back onto the bar. “Keep them coming. It’s probably going to be the best solution because I can’t see myself leaving here early tonight.” I shook my head at the thought, knowing the guys had an objective that wasn’t about to be messed about for anyone. If they wanted to celebrate the fact I was going away and finally finding my feet again, then who was I to stop them? In reality, they were probably glad to have the space back and be able to decide what to do with the apartment with me finally out of it and the two of them sharing a place here together. “I may as well get the blood pumping now.”

“Now we’re talking.” Anthony cheered loudly as Hardin whispered something to him, before glancing at me. With a shake of a head and a chuckle of laughter. Those two were the perfect couple. A duo who could play off one another, and easily endure whatever was thrown their way. It had taken time though to build such a strong front and become the power duo I now knew them to be.

I knew I was either reading the situation all wrong and had been played by the two of them to let my hair down and let loose for once, or I’d be cringing for the rest of the evening at whatever was actually planned. Either way, it was worth it to see the light shining brightly within my brother's eyes as he actually enjoyed himself; maybe one day I will have the chance to gain that from a guy, too.

I was in for a long night ahead and there was no way in hell I was escaping the plans that these guys had made. I could either quickly get my head into the game or fall into line. It seemed tonight was going to be a night to remember for a long time to come.

Messy, fun and a laugh… something I can honestly say I haven’t managed to allow myself to do in a long time. It was time to free myself from the pain and suffering finally and learn to breathe again.

Maybe this was the universe showing me the start of those new beginnings which I so badly needed.



Dad had left for work earlier than normal this morning. He had walked into the room with his post-it notes in hand to leave like most days as I was out for the count, but today; I made him take a double take at the fact I was up and ready for the day ahead.He told me that the place was mine until late today.

“Not, ill, are you?” he uttered as he let me know about his plans, scrunching the post-it notes up and throwing them into the trash can. “I mean it’s early, son.”

“Not at all. Ready to start the day,” I said with a bright and cheery disposition. “Have a good day today and if you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to call. I can always bring whatever you need up to you.” I insisted. “Are you helping out The Retholds, today?” I questioned as I smoothed my hair out with a little wax in the mirror. “I mean just in case…”

“Yeah, son. I am,” he uttered, blinking twice as if having to straighten out the thoughts flying through his mind probably confused with my direct line of questioning. If I was honest, I hadn’t been that engaged with my Dad in his work as I should have been since being here. I’d taken note of where he’d been but letting him know I’d acknowledged that was a different thing all together. “I appreciate the offer. I’ll hopefully be home not too late though.”

“That’s no problem. I’ve plans anyway,” I replied before turning on my heel and slipping my hands in my pocket as I leaned back against the desk behind me. “A fresh start. See you later.” I waved to him as he walked out the door, looking confused and flustered as his eyebrows scrunched together and the lines on his brow furrowed in frustration. I’d obviously caused him to go deep into thought but he needn’t have worried about me at all, as now I’d cleared the way in my mind to get myself back on the right path.

Previously, I would have just wasted the day away, but not today. I was using the quiet, valuable time to my advantage. I was going to make sure that the vow I made the other day to take charge and make changes in my life hadn’t been for nothing. I sent a message to Bree just reaching out and apologizing for my awful behavior, and I could understand if she didn’t want to talk to me. I hadn’t had a reply yet, but the weight that I instantly felt released off my shoulders se the moment that I saw that delivered message.

It was the first step in the line of many that I had to make.

I’d spent the last few hours fine-tuning my CV and ensuring that it gave the best account of the type of person I was, even if it is in just a few short pages. I knew the job industry was tough—to get someone to glance and stop and take a chance on you from looking at a few key pages of information about your working life—even harder especially when you had career gaps as people in the industry called them or from my point of view times of crisis and despair.

I finally did a last minute read through before I decided I’d earned myself a short reprieve for lunch. This afternoon was going to be the hard part of searching for vacancies that were available in the local area, which I thought would be suitable to apply for. I knew I couldn’t be too picky with what I was looking for, but I had some skills that meant that I could weigh up which direction and line of career path I went down next.

I just hoped that there were some of those vacancies available in the area that piqued my interest otherwise I’d have to reevaluate my options.

Sometimes the most simple meals are the ones that hit the hardest in taste factors and make you wonder why you’ve gone so long since you’ve last eaten it. Tell me I’m not the only one who’s done it and wondered why you’ve waited so long to have it! I laughed at the fact honestly. I really fancied a loaded jacket potato with chilli, cheese and beans with a side of coleslaw and crispy onions. A concoction that most people would wrinkle their noses up to, but for me, I’d fight against a guy to get the last serving. It was a meal that just warms you up and has so many different levels to it whilst still having that simplistic taste.

When I’d finished eating and had managed to clean up the kitchen I’d ensured that I had got my head in the game and mindset in check. I was ready to start the job of scrolling through the various online positions when I was disturbed by the sudden alert of an incoming call. I go to reach for my phone off the side next to the computer screen where I’d left it earlier thinking it would most probably be my dad letting me know he had managed to finish earlier or something. It was only when I actually read the name staring back at me that a wave of confusion took hold and the instant line of questions started to assault my mind. What the hell would Anthony Richards be calling me for? Had something happened to Jesse and he’d asked for me? Was he in hospital or had something… I stopped and immediately halted that thought, silencing those words in my mind. I debated for all of ten seconds before I immediately connected the call knowing that it was unheard of for the times Jesse’s brother had ever reached out to me in the two years, we’d been together. If I was being truly honest, I’d probably be able to count them on one hand so for him to reach out to me there had to be something else going on. One thing was for certain though, the onslaught of questions could wait as I didn’t have the time to actually answer all those instant thoughts that hit me at once. I had to deal with the here and now and whatever Anthony needed of me.

“Anthony,” I began. “I didn’t expect to be hearing from you anytime in the future.” I quipped out suddenly realizing that was a bit harsh. “Is everything okay?”

“I wasn’t sure if you’d pick up honestly.” He cut in as I heard a guy in the background sigh loudly in the background against the distinct rumble of an engine. Where the hell were these guys going? Fuck… was Jesse actually hurt and I was right? “We need your help and we didn’t know who else to call. For some reason, we can’t get through to Jesse and he’s got a group out at Sugarloaf Knob Mountain and one of the girl’s mom’s well… she’s really ill, man,” he rambled out the words so quickly in a mission like he was worried that I’d cut the line or disappear on him. “We don’t know the wilderness guide walk and route up there to get to them. I mean we’ll keep calling through to the satellite phone but I’m worried if something has happened to it or he forgot it.”

I took in a large breath and considered exactly what Anthony was asking of me. That fate was calling our two paths to collide together once again. I knew the chances were I’d be pushed away by him. That he would hate me and hurt just looking at me even though my heart would love for him to jump my bones, but every ounce of anger he threw at me would be rightly deserved. I wasn’t doing this for anyone but this family who needed my support and weighed above anyone else. If this was my dad who was in hospital, I hoped he would do the same for me and throw all the pain away for this one person.

“I’ll help,” I instantly confirmed, closing down all the tabs on the computer screen in front of me. “I need to contact my dad and tell him what’s happening and then formulate a plan to get to you. Just send me the address.”