“My knight in shining armor.” She laughed. “Thanks for saving me from the Ice Queen. She’s…”
I saw him in my peripheral vision getting closer and closer and my body reacted with every step he took. I gulped back harshly, unable to swallow as the cologne he wore hit my nose. I could feel the hairs on my skin stand up straight as an arm brushed against mine, making my stomach flip flop over, turning and churning unlike any sensation I’d ever experienced before.
“Dee are you okay?” he uttered, turning her around to face him. “I was worried. I couldn’t find you.”
“I’m fine, Walker. Sarah appeared,” she began before turning to face me, “but this Mr. Handsome saved me.”
“Did you now?” Walker cocked a brow up at me, finally taking me in and meeting my gaze. I felt like the air had been knocked from my lungs as I saw the various shades of green up close in his eyes sparkling back at me. His brown hair was lightly styled, teasing me to the point that I wanted to grab some product and run my fingers through it and play with the strands, twist and pull the ends to see if I could extract a moan from his throat. I wondered if it would be a deep and guttural sound that would make my whole body quiver with need or if it would be soft and erotic. I watched as Walker’s plump lips slightly opened and I immediately wondered if they’d be as soft as they looked or if he would let me punish them with my own if I leant forward and pressed my lips against them before he finally broke the silence between us all. “And you are?”
“I’m Sebastian, Walker.”
I was worried at first when I spotted Dee but I soon realized that I didn’t need to be. Sebastian, the savior that protected my girl from the one woman I’d happily never lay eyes on again if I didn’t have to. Even his name was sexy and I couldn’t deny that the man was fine. The way he looked at me though was making me think very inappropriate thoughts which wasn’t the plan when I should be here looking for opportunities for The Hot Shot. I couldn’t tear my gaze from his piercing blue eyes and short trimmed, dark hair that suited him perfectly. He was utter perfection, the total package but something seemed amiss as he stepped back and crossed his arms over his body. I watched as he quickly glanced around the room like he was scared of being seen so close to me.
I looked at Dee who was analyzing the pair of us before Sebastian made his excuses to leave. I wanted to ask him to have a drink with me, to stop him from leaving us, but I was uncertain where I stood. It was also unclear if what I was recognizing was a shared attraction to me or if I was completely off track.
I watched him head over to a group stood in the corner, with his back held tall like it was steel rodded with his shoulders rolled back; it was as if this was a natural experience for him. My gaze was lost in the way the fabric perfectly covered the rounded globes of his ass. I wondered if he had to work out daily to keep it that pert and tight. I’d happily watch and help give him a thorough workout.
“Earth to Walker.” Dee clicked her fingers in front of my eyes, dragging my attention away from the fine specimen of a man that I didn’t want to tear my eyes away from. “I mean, I know he’s handsome but…”
“Sorry. He’d be perfect for you,” I uttered as we waited patiently at the bar to be noticed. “He did after all, come to your rescue.”
“Come on Walker, you can’t deny that chemistry and spark. He’s definitely team Walker. He’s just maybe not as open about it.” She winked as the server headed toward us. “Plus, when was the last time you actually had a bit of fun?”
“What can I get you both?” the server asked us both.
I shook my head and smirked at Dee’s words as I debated the line of choices that were in front of me.
“Two glasses of champagne, please. Thank you.”
Dee had always been a matchmaker but she was right in her judgment. Sebastian had been ensnared by me, even though he had failed spectacularly in keeping his preferences hidden from at least her. Even I had tried to be oblivious to it.
I tipped the server and grabbed our drinks as Dee reached for her phone out of her pocket. She checked the screen before she downed the glass in one.
“That was fast,” I said, confused by her action. “Is everything okay?”
“I need to go. Something has come up but I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Dee turned her gaze toward the exit as Sebastian walked through it. “Want to escort a lady out? I’m sure you can stay around a bit longer.”
“You are a pain in my ass,” I muttered.
“Well, I hope you get some enjoyment in your ass.” She giggled as I placed my drink down before I tucked my arm into hers against her side and marched us forward with purpose. “But unless we get outside now, then it’ll definitely be nothing and that ass of yours will not be thanking me.”
“What would I do without you?” I laughed, keeping up with her pace as I reached the doors and walked down the steps to the cars waiting. “I’d be lost.”
“What are friends for?” Dee hugged me before pulling me into a hug. “He went around the side,” she whispered into my ear. “Probably watching to see if anyone spotted him. Go and find him. Then tell me all about it tomorrow after the band’s performance.”
“Deal. Let me know when you get home,” I said, kissing her cheek before opening the car door and uttering the address off by rote to the driver. “Remember…”
“I know. I know,” she snapped. “I won’t forget.”
* * *
I know I was a confident guy in most situations—I had to be as a bar owner and performing once a week in a small band at venues—but the thought of approaching Sebastian made me want to run in the opposite direction and cower away, worried at the potential of rejection. I’d been turned away by men before, not many, but still, that defeats the fact. Dee was right; there was something brewing between the two of us and no matter how much I wanted to deny that I couldn’t. I’d regret not talking to the guy whilst he was alone, let alone doing what I desperately wanted to and ask him to come and have a drink at mine. It may be forward, but I wasn’t a guy to sit back and risk losing my opportunity of getting some quiet time with him alone. I had learned the hard way that you have to live each moment like it’s your last because if you don’t, you may regret it. I knew that something could happen when you least expect it and then everything that you had planned together could be lost in the blink of an eye.
Dee was subject to that loss and that pain. I’d never forget her crumbling at my side when she got that call. The instant stab of pain of knowing the one person she pushed away was now gone forever and she could never make amends with him, all because of a stupid argument. Her one true love was gone and her heart had become shattered in the process. I always promised her that I’d never be idle to open my heart to a chance of love. I’d brushed it off until now, thinking that it was an unnecessary thought but Sebastian made me feel something that I hadn’t before. There was an invisible link pulling me in toward him that I couldn’t control, and rather than pull against it and battle every step, I was going to chase after it, even if it turned into a dead end.