“But we know what they’re like!” I said, buttoning up my coat and wrapping a scarf around my neck before pulling my gloves out of my pockets. I began to slowly put them on as I watched Dee’s eyes become transfixed on what I was doing. “I can’t leave him with them. I need to try and find out where they’ll be meeting and at least get ahead of the game.”
“They’ll be meeting on the outdoor patio to the right by the bar that we went to for the charity event,” she confessed. “Head around the path where Sebastian and you went that night but take the fork through the bushes…”
“Dee… What?” I asked shocked, shaking my head at what she was saying. The information was pure gold dust; the detailing I required that would save me so much time. “I could kiss you right now!”
“Or not.” She chuckled. “It’s the least I can do. I fucked up and should have made more noise. It’s all my fault and if I can help fix this, I will. You know that Sarah will have an idea already in place and Will…” She blew out a breath. “He will just follow along like the obedient little dog he is.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less from them two,” I said, “but they didn’t expect me and no one is going to hurt what’s mine. I’ll make them see that this is the last time they hurt someone I care about and love.”
“Love—” Dee blinked twice as if I’d completely stunned her. My smile spread wider across my face. “You love Sebastian. Does he know?”
“Not yet but he will. First though, I need to go deal with the trash and make them realize that they threatened the wrong person.”
* * *
The moment I got to The Rainbow Room, I did exactly as Dee said and made my way to the patio, hiding myself within the shrubbery of the trees. I was suddenly glad of my dark attire to blend in with my surroundings. My heart plummeted into my chest as I saw my guy sitting around the table, cornered in by the duo themselves.
“Let’s get down to what you want, shall we?” Sebastian calmly asked as I listened carefully to all the noises around me. The last thing I needed was someone catching me out here. “I’m sure we all have better things to do than be sitting outside with this chilly breeze hitting.”
“Yeah, I’m sure you’d rather be sucking cock.” Sarah pointed her nose up in the air as she scrunched it up with disgust. “How can you sit here demanding us what to do after what we found out. You should be appalled.”
“Sarah…” Will touched her arm as she let out a sigh. “I know you feel opinionated about the matter but remember what we said.”
“Okay, you’re right.” She grazed her claw-like nails across his cheek before facing Sebastian. “I want you to make things right. Leaving Asquire Marketing & Advertising destroyed not only Brendan Rightside’s career but our chance of the high life. All you have to do is forget this little side business and sign your assets and clients over to him.”
“And why would I do something so stupid like that? Jace and I fought hard to get out of the mess with that place. Brendan is a leech, sucking and taking away everything he can for his own personal gain,” Sebastian replied. He pulled his chair out slightly as he crossed his ankles and folded his arms across his chest. “I left for a reason. We both did.”
“I’m not saying you didn’t,” Will snapped. “It’s nothing to do with him and everything for us.”
“Oh, he caught you in the crossfire too. What did you do?” he mumbled as I gazed on in adoration of the man standing up for both his career and our relationship. “Did you sign something?”
“Shares,” Will admitted as Sarah elbowed him, glaring daggers. “I’m sorry but it won’t change the fact of our ultimatum with him, will it?”
“Blackmail would be the better suited word, I think,” he remarked back. “It doesn’t matter. I’m not doing it. Do your worst.” I watched Sebastian place his hands on the edge of the table about to stand, when Will grabbed his wrist, making me see red.
“I wouldn’t do that,” he started. “Tell him, babe.”
“You either do as we’ve asked or we destroy that business of your boyfriend’s. We will out you to the world and just for good measure, we will crumble your business in the process. I said we meant business and Sebastian Holt; I fucking mean it.”
“Get your hands off me!” he shouted, dragging Will off him with fury. “You think a threat will scare me? You think that praying about my sexuality will make me break? Bring it on.”
“Oh, we will. I don’t care if this one is related to his best friend. I’ll destroy the pair of you.” Sarah curled her lip into a smirk that I wanted to knock straight off her face.
How dare she threaten my guy? I knew she was rotten to the core but this was next level, even for her. I wished I was in front of her right now as I’d be giving her a few chosen words.
“We will see you next Friday at the launch,” she gloated. “I can’t wait as I do love a good party.”
I watched as Sebastian stormed off and just as I was about to sneak away myself, I heard Will shout.
“Oh Walker, just so you know…” I stood up and faced Sarah’s gleaming smile baring back at me as Will wrapped himself around the parasite. “Everything that was said just then. We meant it. I wonder what your dear boyfriend will decide.”
“Oh, I hope he kicks him to the curb.” Sarah bounced on her tiptoes before Will placed a finger over her lips. I balled my fists and turned around. “But then what fun would that be for us? I can’t wait to practice my speech. I’m sure it will bring the place down.”
“Oh, I know you will,” Will growled as I stormed off, not caring who saw me. It was obvious that Will and Sarah had spotted me, so security hadn’t dragged me away yet. It would be pointless for them to do so now.
I had to get to Sebastian and talk to him because his life was more important to me than a stupid fucking bar.
* * *