Page 3 of The Hot Shot

“I know he does but what about Sarah?” I asked. I closed the books and tucked them away in the drawer. “Remember that I was the one that pulled you out of that hole.”

“And I’m forever grateful, especially for being here, but Walker, this is a chance and you have to take it.” She thrust the paper into my hands and as I looked down, the names of the sponsors at the bottom caught my attention. I looked up at her and I knew she’d seen that I’d noticed the names. “When are you ever going to get the chance to try and sell yourself to Asquire Marketing & Advertising again?”

I nodded, knowing that she was right. I’d heard the rumor mill about the company and their new approach with clients but all of my attempts at a meeting have been denied; not that I’d told Dee that little snippet of information.

Brendan Rightside was known for being ruthless and if I could prove that I was a great person to add to his portfolio, this could be exactly what I needed. I just had to do it now.

“I’ll go on two conditions,” I told Dee as she huffed under her breath. “One, you do not end up alone with Will. I’m always present. I have a feeling Sarah has something else up her sleeve.”

“And two?” She tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for my response with her hand placed on her hip.

“I will buy your outfit for tonight.”

“That’s a given, bestie. Now, if you can just find me a hot looking guy that appreciates all this sass…” She paused and ran her hand up the length of her body. “Then the night will be a complete success.”

“Come on then, shopping time. We need to look our best after all and first impressions are a must,” I stated before I slipped my wallet into my jean pocket before I grabbed the keys to lock up. “We have a few hours to get a tux and a dress for the pretty lady.”

“Ooh, you’ll make all the guys swoon.” Dee patted my chest with her hand before waltzing ahead, swaying her hips to the door and grabbing her denim jacket off the hook. “You may even find yourself a lucky guy, too.”

“Dee, I’m going for business, not pleasure,” I said as I opened the door of the bar and indicated for her to step outside whilst I locked up. “A hot guy in my bed is definitely not on the cards tonight.”

“You never know,” Dee replied as she linked her arm in mine. I quickly double-checked I’d keyed in the alarm and locked the door properly. I couldn’t be too cautious. The last thing I needed was a break-in and then for my insurance to invalidate it due to a fuck up on my slip-up. That would totally be something I’d do. Make a major mistake and shoot myself in the damn foot, rather than waiting for my luck to change. “These places can cause the most controversy and fun times—”

“And that’s why I said its business only. Trust me Dee, the last thing I need is any more complications and stress than what I already have with keeping this place afloat,” I said, cutting her off mid-sentence and silencing our conversation, ensuring I had the final word on the matter.

It didn’t matter how desperate I was for a night of unforgettable sex with a handsome guy. I wasn’t about to ruin my chance at stability.

* * *

I somehow pulled the impossible out of the bag and got myself looking smart and dapper for the event. I hated the fitted posh tux look but by just the mention of it being hosted at The Rainbow Room and the way the invitation felt in my hand alone, I knew it would be a high-end event that my ripped jeans and band t-shirt would be unsuitable for. I’d be a laughing stock. I had to win over people’s emotions before I let them take a glance at the real me. I felt suffocated as I dragged my finger between the small gap between my neck and shirt collar, gasping for a breath of air before taking a double-glance in the mirror at my sparkling green eyes and short dark hair that I had styled to perfection.

Get yourself together, man. Maybe it was nerves? I don’t know after all; it was a big night.

“Dee, get your ass out here now. I know you’re stalling but we’re going to be late,” I shouted, tapping my fingers against the kitchen worktop after downing two fingers of whiskey in an attempt to settle the nerves. “Car has just pulled up.”

“Right, I’m here but I’m on standby. Kellan called.” She blushed at me as I just nodded in response. “You know the score with everything at home, he may need me to watch the girls. I can’t leave him to struggle alone. It’s not in my nature.”

“I know,” I said, reaching for her and giving her a spin. The black shimmering number hung to every curve perfectly, dipping to give just the right amount of cleavage and showing her firm thighs. She would be the perfect woman for me but unfortunately, I preferred guys in tight fitting trousers and shirts instead. “Dee Dallington, you look beautiful, but the driver is getting impatient.”

I locked up and headed straight to the car, opening the door and ushering Dee to get inside before turning to the driver and giving our destination.

“Rainbow Room, please,” I said as I took my seat next to Dee. I quickly confirmed the booking I’d given earlier when placing an order for the posh car. “As quick as possible.”

“Heading out for a date?” he enquired. “It’s a fancy place there. Lots of people want to flash the money and have a good time. That’s why I’m particular with the jobs I take. It’s not like I could have a scruff in jeans or a common bar worker in here. What would people say? Plus, my tips would be pathetic. I’d make sure you get…” The driver was trying his hardest to make small talk, winking at Dee like she’d made a huge catch, but I cut him off immediately. How dare he victimize people by class?! I loved my scruffy jeans; they were a staple in my wardrobe. I wished I’d turned up in them tonight, just to see the twat’s face—but then to offend Dee—he was walking a thin line. Wanker.

“No, unfortunately this woman isn’t my date,” I said, turning to Dee and hoping I didn’t offend her with my remark. “I’m heading for a business event with my employee, who actually works in a bar, but I see that you’ve made your mind up about us.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.” The driver stumbled over his words, realizing he’d fucked up big time.


“You heard what he said,” Dee smoothly said. She grabbed a pen and paper out of her clutch and noted the driver’s license and details down. Clever girl. “You see, I’m not into drivers assuming anything about me, just like my friend isn’t about him. Small talk is fine, I get it, but this is another level…”

The driver pulled over to the curb edge while drivers honked their horns at his sudden movements. It was as if steam could’ve bellowed from his ears because he drove off in a rage the moment we had jumped out of the backseat, barely having time to shut the doors.

The various curse words screamed out of the window the moment he pulled off showed me his bravery was all for show as we both chuckled.

“So much for the luxury car. Yellow cab it is.”