Page 29 of The Hot Shot

I pulled away and sat back onto my stool, knowing that my eyes had naturally widened on their own accord.

“Shit! I didn’t know. It wasn’t planned,” I said shyly. “It’s just, it seemed that fate had brought him here and…”

“Walker, breathe. It’s fine,” he said smoothly as the music from the live band on the stage notched up a level, making me have to raise my voice an octave higher. “I just wanted to break the ice as whatever has had you running in here makes me think that you need to let a lot off your chest.”

“Yeah…” I admitted as I took a sip of beer, nursing it in my hand before I began picking at the label on the bottle. “I didn’t come to talk to you about singing or my guy… I came to talk to you about business. The Hot Shot isn’t doing well.”

“Walker, why didn’t you come and talk to me about it sooner?” Hardin replied, shocked at my words. His mouth parted into a widened ‘O’ shape as he bore his gaze into mine. “You know I would have helped you.”

“I’d have hated you thinking that I was just after your contacts.” I sighed loudly, “but I could really do with your help, man. Could you get me a meeting with Brendan Rightside at Asquire Marketing & Advertising? I’ve tried and failed multiple times.” I blew out a long breath before I cradled the back of my neck, rubbing it with my free hand, trying to relieve some of the built-up tension that had gathered. “I even attended a charity gala and no, I wouldn’t change that.” I smirked as I recalled seeing Sebastian in his suit and how the night ended but I never did get my meeting with the guy I’d gone to try and get a contact with that night.

“Walker, I will always be honest with you and you know that Asquire Marketing & Advertising were involved in setting up and making North Avenue Live what it is today but it wasn’t Brendan Rightside that helped me,” he admitted. “I had a fantastic duo who have recently left to set up on their own. I’d happily give you their contact details if you’d like and set up a meeting?”

“That would be amazing!” I gleaned, thankful for Hardin’s support and the savvy contacts he had. “If you’re sure you don’t mind,” I said gratefully. “I want the ball moving as fast as possible. I don’t want to have to worry about whether I’d have to let anyone go or take on additional shifts if things become worse than they are.”

“I’ll speak to them first thing, man. Now, do you fancy another beer with me and we can enjoy the atmosphere together. After all, they do say that tomorrow is a new day and better things are always on the horizon.”

“How many drinks have you had Hardin to go and get all philosophical on me?” I nearly spluttered my drink out as I let out a cough, trying to gather my breath as Hardin slapped my back hard. “Something on your mind man that you need to talk about?”

“Nothing that you can help me with unfortunately.,” he replied.

* * *

Hardin Poltin is a legend, even if the guy did laden me with beers last night and had gotten me contemplating why the hell I’d decided to stay at Dee’s and not at home. I wanted to see if Sebastian had come to see me or not. I could then get him to deal with my extremely irritable issue of my morning wood. Instead, an incoming text alerted me to wake the fuck up from my hazed state.

I couldn’t believe it as I read the message and saw that I had an hour to get to the address listed across the opposite end of Manhattan center and be ready to win the guys of JS Optimum Designs over with a pitch about The Hot Shot. I was lucky I’d always had a business plan prepared and ready to go.

I didn’t have time for nerves to appear as I rushed around to get ready and get my mind prepared and focused on the task but the moment I arrived outside the building, I felt like my legs were about to collapse from beneath me and give way. I could do this and pitch these guys my dream vision. All I had to do was believe in myself and show them my love and devotion for the place.

I hit the button in the elevator for the sixth floor that Hardin had said to go to and quickly gave myself a last minute once-over in the mirror, checking that my suit was pressed to perfection while telling myself in my head that I could do this. The moment the doors opened I stepped out and spotted the golden sign that was hung on the wall. I released a long drawn-out breath and mentally high-fived myself that I was in the right place. At least that was one good thing I’d done right and hadn’t fucked up; tardiness wasn’t a good look at all. I looked around the corridor in front of me, taking in the sleek lines and minimalist touches before I followed the arrows that indicated to go through the double doors in front of me, in which I assumed I would find the reception desk.

“Morning, Miss…” I took a glance at the woman’s name badge and smiled a large grin before she interrupted me. “I’m Walker Kennedy and I have a meeting here this morning at ten am.”

“It’s Michelle, thank you Walker. We tend to be quite laid back here.” She tucked a coiled strand of her long blond hair behind her ear that had fallen onto her face as she tapped away at her keyboard, her eyes scanning the monitor. “Ah yes, you’re the friend of Hardin’s. Jace will see you in room one. I’ll show you the way.”

Michelle placed her hands on the desk and pushed herself backwards in her chair to give herself room to stand up. She walked around the desk in her fitted two-piece suit ensemble and gestured with her hand for me to follow her. I kept up with her pace as her black heels hit the marbled floor until she stopped outside a room and knocked on the door.

“Jace, I have Walker, your ten am here for you. Do you require anything else?” she asked sweetly before stepping aside for me. I noticed the way her eyes widened when scouring the room and Jace headed quickly toward her, whispering something in her ear before she nodded at me and closed the door.

I figuratively crossed my fingers in my head and began laying out all my plans for what I’d envisioned doing with The Hot Shot. I used my initiative and took the empty seat across from the two seats already placed at the opposite side of the table, wondering if it would just be the two of us or if his business partner would be joining us. I remembered Hardin saying that I needed to trust the process and portray my full vision to them. I could do that.

“So, Hardin gave me a call this morning saying that I needed to meet with you,” Jace began as he picked up my business model and raised his eyebrow. “I’ve always trusted the guy and from seeing just the detail of these plans, I know you can go far Walker but everything doesn’t always go to plan and this vision…” He tore the sheets of paper up before my eyes, making me tighten my grip on the chair arms as I bit my tongue, fighting the need to retaliate. “It just won’t happen.”

It was like the guy was testing my resilience as I replayed Hardin’s words. I just nodded, trying to remain calm. “And what would you say needs to happen?” I asked inquisitively.

“For you to trust that my brother will help you get the most out of your business by being hands-on and in your personal space. He will mold it and demonstrate what you can provide a customer well but also more importantly, what your space can do for you.” Jace spoke with a love and devotion that I understood. This guy wanted me to succeed. I just had to do as my gut screamed. I could walk out of this office in the exact same position I am today but if I did that, my business would have a new owner within a few months but if I signed here today with JS Optimum Designs, then I at least had a chance of something more.

“Where do I sign?” I asked as Jace smiled and handed me the envelope with the contract already prepared. It was as if he knew I wouldn’t turn the opportunity down after his talk with Hardin. I scanned through the documents in front of me and was happy with the terms stating that they wouldn’t take any fees until the business made a specific percentage. I have never felt such relief as my shoulders relaxed and I started to sign my name when I paused and looked up at Jace watching me. “When do I get to meet your brother? I…”

In that moment a knock at the door happened and a neatly put together man walked into the room.

“I’m sorry I’m late,” he apologized. “I had some business I needed to deal with this morning.”

Fuck. That voice. The moment our gazes connected I felt all the air get knocked out of me. I could never forget the face that those piercing blue eyes, short dark hair or that sultry bow shaped lips belonged to, especially those lips that had been wrapped around my cock enough times.
