Page 27 of The Hot Shot

“I won’t. I’m not going to do anything,” I said sternly, biting my lip as jealousy poured through me. I couldn’t stand the fact that he was allowing this woman to be so blatantly forward in front of everyone here in the gym. It was only when Dee and I came face to face with the pair of them and I caught her badge did I realize that this woman was in fact the gym manager that my anger soared, professionalism my ass. “Can I ask if these two machines are free?” I forced the words out of my mouth before allowing my gaze to catch Sebastian’s, waiting for one of them to answer.

“Of course. If someone has reserved them for a short period, you’ll normally see a sign,” the woman answered as she stood up and held her hand out for me to shake. “I’m Chelsea and if you have any issues, then don’t hesitate to ask me.”

“Thanks,” Dee said as she took the machine the furthest away, allowing the one next to Sebastian to remain free for me.

I began to work out and push my muscles, ignoring the burn and the intense stare that Sebastian gave. All the while Chelsea spoke to him and I knew that I should have focused on Dee but the only person that existed here was Sebastian and it was as if he was totally aware of it. The moment Chelsea squeezed his bicep I nearly jumped off the machine and wrenched her arm off him. I was livid and if steam was visible, then it would have been bellowing out from my ears by now.

“Chelsea, have you got a minute?” Dee called. It was as if she knew I was close to throttling the woman and I wasn’t someone who’d dare lay a hand on a woman; maybe Chelsea was an exception to the rule though. “I’m having trouble adjusting the seat properly. I’m worried I may have jammed it.”

“Sure, I’ll be right there,” she muttered with disdain in her voice before heading over to her.

“You should know that she isn’t my type,” Sebastian whispered under his breath, reaching over for his water that was placed on the floor next to me. I watched him pick it up and unscrew the lid before he took a long drag of the liquid before securing the lid and placing the now half emptied bottle back down on the ground. “Walker…”

I couldn’t answer him. I didn’t know what to say and by the time I did, Chelsea had returned and went straight back into her flirtatious manner. I couldn’t do this.

“Dee, I’ve got to go,” I said point blankly as she stood up. “I understand if you want to say but something has come up.”

“Nope. I’m coming,” she replied without a moment’s hesitation. “I’ve done enough exercise for today. I may have pulled a muscle actually.”

“Don’t…” I warned the moment we were walking out the door.

“Talk to me now before I stop you right here.” Dee grabbed my hand and squeezed it hard, making me look at her. I didn’t want to though because the moment I caught her gaze, I felt I would break and that my emotions would snap and just flow from me. I couldn’t do that here and allow Sebastian to see that he’d affected me in such a way. I was stronger than that.

I had to be stronger than that.

The moment I signed out though and got into the car park that was a different story.

“Talk,” Dee demanded. “It’s okay, whatever it is. I’m here.”

“He’s driving me mad, Dee.” I let the tears flow. “It’s like he’s enjoying making me jealous of the fact that he has women pawing all over his body for god’s sake.” I blew out a breath, trying to control my sobs. “The way that woman could just touch him without Sebastian even saying a word to stop her… I can’t… Fuck, I can’t deal with that.” I gulped harshly as I wiped away the tears with my towel, not caring that it was covered in my sweat. “The worst bit is I know he isn’t into her and I can’t just work out next to him and watch that without reacting. I just know I’d do something I would regret.”

“Walker…” Dee replied. “Come on. Let’s head back and get you out of these clothes.”

“That’s a good idea because I’m sick of chasing him. If Sebastian wants me, then he can come to me,” I admitted, placing my hands into my pocket and walking at Dee’s side. “I’m going to get changed and talk to Hardin. Maybe I can fix one thing in my life, at least.”

“Walker, do you think that’s a good idea?” she asked.

“I think it’s the best one I’ve had today.” I smirked before wrapping my arm around her shoulder. “I’m glad that you think enough about me that you feel you need to ask me though.”

“I’ll always care to ask, Walker,” she vowed. “Always.”



What the fuck was he doing here? Was I hallucinating?

I never in a million years thought that Walker would stroll in here looking like sex on legs dressed in tight fitted workout gear that made me have to do a double-look and also concentrate twice as hard to catch on to what Chelsea was whining on about in my ears. He had my cock hard within moments and in this workout gear that wasn’t a good thing at all. It wasn’t something I could simply hide. I mean, Chelsea was beautiful but I wasn’t that way inclined and nothing could change that, no matter what flirtatious techniques or acts she tried with me. I was gay but she didn’t know that—no one did—and it was times like this I wished I was open and proud and could just tell her ‘sorry but no thank you’.

“You need to slow down or you’re going to hurt yourself!” Chelsea shouted at me over the whirring noise of the machine as I pushed myself as hard as I thought my body could take without passing out. I didn’t care if I did. It may be a gift after seeing the look of Walker’s and Dee’s faces as they stormed out of the gym. I knew that he was trying to hide his emotions away from me but I could see the anger and pain radiating across his face. I hated knowing that I was the cause behind it and that I could have done something to ease his suffering but instead, I just carried on the pretense with Chelsea and continued to act like a fool.

“I can’t…” I said in short sharp breaths. “I need to push through this. I need to feel the pain.” I gritted my teeth together as Chelsea hit the emergency button on the machine, halting it immediately.

“Enough. This…” She pointed up and down at my slumped drenched body. “It isn’t doing you any good. Let me help you to my office and you can take five minutes.”

“Chelsea, I’m fine,” I began before she shook her head and helped me to stand up, stopping me from nearly collapsing to the floor in a wobbling pile. “I just need a minute.” I bent over, breathing heavily trying to catch a breath.

“Just let me help,” she whispered. “Sebastian, you need to hydrate and sit down and then we’re going to talk about whatever shit show just happened in there.”