I groaned when my phone alerted me to a message and I reached for it with my other hand, using the light of the screen to direct me in the dark. I squinted as I brought it up to my eyes and clicked open the message.
Unknown number: You were right. I couldn’t deny the spark when I saw you on that stage. I was mesmerized and that scared me. I have tried to throw this scrap of paper in the bin numerous times and delete this message. I can’t though because you’re stuck in a loop in my head. The issue is, what do we do about it? You made the first step and now I’m showing you my cards. Fate has played her hand and now it’s down to us.
The moment I read the last line I couldn’t hold back any longer. I shouted Sebastian’s name into the room, feeling overcome with joy. Fate may have played a hand—he was right in that—but now I was going to slowly ensure that Sebastian realizes that now he’s shown his colors, I won’t be letting him go. I’ll fight and wait, however long he needs me to.
My cell screen flashed in my hand, notifying me that my message was traveling at the speed of light to Walker and I didn’t know whether to freak out or shout from the rooftops that I’d finally done something for me. I did know that my hard length jutting against my pajama pants agreed that I’d done the right thing, giving in to my inner desires and wants. I’d finally done what I should have done hours ago. I’d spent a lot of the evening with my finger hovering between the delete and send buttons. I’d taken the plunge and allowed my gut to take over and make a decision that I hoped wouldn’t lead me to feel a whole load of regret.
If I’d been out of the closet, I’d have jumped up on that stage tonight and staked my claim in front of the whole room, not giving a damn about the crowd that was surrounding us. Instead, I just stood back and watched and that’s why I’d toyed with my decision. How could Walker want to be with a guy who could never be his everything? A man who couldn’t be fully committed to a relationship unless it was in the deep, dark refinement of his own space and out of anyone else’s view. If the tables had been switched and I’d been in his position, I’d have thought the fucker had to have had a screw loose to even have contemplated something so outrageous like wanting to hide away a guy he cared about but maybe that was what made us perfect. Maybe, just maybe, that’s why we could work. Could it be that finally I had found the nut that secured that loose screw tightly in place, ensuring that it never falls from its rightful place? Walker was the guy that completed me and that’s when I knew I couldn’t hold back any longer. I had to make a move. I had to respond and hope that he had an idea on how to take this further because otherwise I could be throwing away something that could be meaningful. To the both of us.
* * *
I had a fretful sleep, barely catching a few hours in the hope that Walker would reply to me. I had to be reasonable and logical; the guy had played a gig last night, after all. He’d be exhausted and would probably be flat out drained from the night, let alone look at his cell and notice my message. I had to get it out of my head that it wasn’t because he was wrapped up in the arms of someone else, like my mind kept concocting. It was the tiredness and damn obsession with the man that had me thinking the worst. He gave me his number so that meant he wanted me and I needed to understand that quickly.
It didn’t help that even though it was Sunday, I had to work today. Luckily, Jace agreed to accompany me and fill me with beverages and gossip I’d missed around the office that could be advantageous to our plight against Brendan’s downfall. I had to remain inconspicuous and ensure that my behavior remained the same and not unusual around him. I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to break into my cell and search for the culprit. It was a good thing I had him saved as just W in my contacts. I wasn’t about to out myself by the contact names and messages in my own cell. I wasn’t that much of an idiot or prick. Jace deserved more than that. I couldn’t hurt my brother with my gender preference in that manner. If I ever did decide to open up, then he would be told by me, no matter how hard a conversation that would be to have.
“You that smashed and hungover you forgot that you were coming to keep me company?” I spat down the line to Jace the moment he picked up the call. I’d been here for nearly an hour already, knee deep in documents and he still hadn’t appeared. I knew it was only eleven am but the quicker I got this sorted, the sooner we could both fuck off out of here and enjoy whatever remained of the lazy Sunday that I had expected to originally have. The only good point though was going in and processing all these files without the beady eye of Brendan over my shoulder made for an easier life. It would be one less item on my checklist for the next guy that was thrown in to replace me when I walked out. Brendan may be a dick, but I wasn’t going to allow the person taking over my place to be left in the shit because of me. “You need to get your ass here and send whatever woman that is currently in your bed home.”
“Give me half an hour,” Jace smoothly said. At the same time, I heard the feminine moans start to come down the line and Jace tried to cover them up with a cough. “Maybe an hour.”
“Jace, I mean it. An hour.” I put the cell down before he had time to answer or before the noises that the woman in question had begun to make increased in volume.
Jace thought he was being a clever motherfucker trying to rile me up that he was getting some action from a sweet pussy—as he put it—but I seriously wasn’t interested in the slightest. He could have offered the woman on a platter to me and it wouldn’t have made my cock react but if it had been Walker and his pierced cock, I’d be dripping pre-cum, struggling to hold myself back from demanding him to fill me up and let me see what pleasure that piercing could elicit.
Fuck. I palmed the front of my lounge pants, glad that I didn’t have to dress to impress and wished that I could jack myself off and relieve some of this pent-up tension inside.
I reached for my cell when it flashed and vibrated in front of me. It was like my subconscious already knew who it would be; my dick as well because it twitched and I groaned as it rubbed against the material. Less than a minute ago I was fuming at my brother for leaving me alone but now, now I was ecstatic. I couldn’t have waited until I was alone to see what was waiting for me in that message. I’d have cracked under the fucking pressure and would have ended up snapping at my brother and probably would have pretended I had a horrible bout of the shits, just to have ten minutes locked in a cubicle in the bathroom. Thank god for small mercies.
I clicked open the message and let out a groan as I reached into my pants against my better judgment and stroked my dick, extremely grateful of the high floored desk I had, knowing that I was truly and utterly fucked.
W - We meet, we talk and then we decide the next steps but I’m hoping that whatever we decide, it means that I get more of you. Are you free today?
Damn. I looked around the office and started fucking my hand harder as I placed my cell on the table and reached for the tissues on the desk. Walker wanted to meet me today. He had obviously thought about this, knowing that if we were face to face it meant we couldn’t hide away from our true thoughts and that we’d have to express them to one another. It was time to man up and stop running.
“Fuck, yes.” I felt the familiar tingle run down my spine and I gritted my teeth as I felt my balls tightening. “Yes.” I came hard into the tissues thinking about Walker’s lean, sculpted body and the way it fit perfectly with mine as I skimmed my fingers along his bare skin. I was fucking addicted to the man, but I had a couple of issues to contend with. Work and Jace.
I sprinted to the bathroom and cleaned myself up, even though I wanted to sit in my seat and type a response straight back to Walker. I knew I couldn’t look too keen and it wasn’t exactly good if I left spank covered tissues in the office bin when Jace could end up being earlier than expected.
The moment I re-entered the room, much more relaxed, I grabbed my cell and began typing out a reply.
I’m at work for the next few hours but what about tonight? I can do 7pm onwards - S.
I didn’t even have time to type my name and press send as I approved the plan for the next launch I’d been working on before my cell vibrated back. It seemed that Walker wasn’t of the same worry that he needed to prolong contact. He wanted to talk and nothing would stop him from doing so. I loved the show of self-confidence he always oozed and I wished that I could bottle up a dose of it and take it for my own well-being. If I could only somehow be the career-driven, successful person I am alongside an out and proud gay man, undeterred by opinions of others, then my world would be complete. It just wasn’t to be. I’d always picked the expected route that I thought others around me wanted me to travel down, rather than what my heart desired.
W - I’m working tonight but if you’d like to keep me company, then I wouldn’t mind having some sexy eye candy to drool over. Once I finish, we could head back to mine and talk or stay behind at the bar. I don’t mind which—your choice.
Fuck. That sounded tempting. I could just head there toward the end of the night, make it just the one drink and sit in the corner and admire him in all his glory.
Where are you performing tonight? - S.
I waited barely a minute before my heart beat an extra beat. Fuck.
W - I’m at my bar tonight. The Hot Shot. Do you know the place?
Hell yes! How could I forget he was at that event for a reason too? He had a business. Damn that was hot. My focus had completely been drawn away from the task at hand. I leant back and crossed my ankles, enjoying this exchange with Walker. It just was so easy and natural.