Page 1 of The Hot Shot



I should have given a shit, that I’d rocked up to work ten minutes late. My shirt was half tucked into my pants with the corner hanging out all crinkled. I’m sure that I was a sight for sore eyes, with the dark baggy circles under my eyes. It made me wish that I was a female at times—concealer was a thing of pure genius—and my dark brown hair was slightly messed up as I’d not applied the extra hold gel to hold my flick of hair at the front in place. I was lucky I could get away with blue murder in this place the majority of the time. Every boss had their limits though and I’m certain I was testing them to the limits today.

I wanted to push those buttons of his without actually making him snap. I know that I should be abiding by the expectations of the company—what with being a VP and all—but sometimes life got in the way and the immaculate specimen of a man that I showed daily was long gone. I was fed up with being taken for a ride.

Asquire Marketing & Advertising was a well-known firm that does exactly what its name implies; we support businesses in the steps to becoming successful with the best guidance plans to hit the big time. In my position though, friends were few and far between, with the only person who took the time to speak and spend time with me being my younger brother Jace. I could see why though when my boss was Brendan Rightside. He was harsh, uptight and a complete control freak when business was involved.

I’d worked my ass off to get to where I was today and my comeuppance was having to answer to this prick. I was just waiting for the big break to happen so I could finally start out alone and show everyone that I had exactly what it took to compete and squash the likes of my uptight asshole of a boss and give him a run for his money.

I made sure I had invested in my future and I had taken shares out to cover myself. After all my hard graft, I wanted stability for myself and for the life I deserved and if that meant destroying the competition in the process, I would enjoy every second.

I straightened myself up just as the man himself made his presence known.

“And he finally arrives.” Brendan Rightside’s drawled tone hit my ears the moment I entered my office. “I mean, the audacity to not complete a full working day was one thing but rocking in like you’ve just left a woman’s bed is another thing completely.”

Brendan Rightside was a harsh motherfucker who couldn’t give a shit that I had earned my place in this room by working my way up the ladder. The only thing that kept his heart pumping at a steady rate was the dollar signs that hit his bank account in line with his heartbeat. It was also the only way I had managed to secure Jace and I the early finish tonight. It was technically a work soirée function or in Brendan’s eyes, a chance to grow his money pile to wipe his ass with. That’s how I’d wormed my way around today.

The date had been circled in bright red ink on the calendar in the diary for the last seven weeks after having to rearrange it twice. Brendan didn’t care for these events; they were his idea of hell because he thought that our name should speak for itself. I didn’t agree. The face of a person speaks volumes about the intentions of a company and that’s why I pushed and pushed, before I finally broke down the wall, he had built around him regarding the importance of interacting in a social gathering with others. There was one condition; I secured at least one new client tonight.

I knew it was a test of my accolade. I was hoping for more than just the one though. I had my eyes set on securing my future.

“Brendan. Always a pleasure.” I checked my watch before flicking my gaze back to him and walked straight past him to the opposite side of my desk. With my briefcase placed on the mahogany desk, I ignored him as I ran my hand over the quality workmanship of the creased leather exterior before raising my brow and leaned over my desk. I flattened my palms on the smooth surface as his jaw ticked. “Something the matter?” I asked, noticing his furrowed brow and pointed glare whilst his knee bounced up and down. It was almost like he was training for an Olympic medal.

I knew I was riling him up as I watched and waited, counting down the seconds in my head for the immediate explosion of words that were about to barrel out of Brendan’s mouth. He hated being pushed—not being in control of the decisions—especially when it involved money and deals, but I couldn’t help it. He was a grade A prick and I saw him for who he really was.

“Sebastian.” He paused for a moment, rubbing the bridge of his nose while he gathered his composure as I mentally high-fived myself. The fucker was using his therapy techniques as he blew out a long breath, making me smile with glee. “I know we agreed tonight was important but you can’t turn up like this. I mean, look at you.” He took in my appearance and shook his head from left to right, tutting as he went. “How can I trust that you’ll even manage to secure the one agreed client, let alone line up any others?”

“You can’t,” I answered honestly. “Are you willing to take the chance in causing an uproar when the charity finds out that their main sponsor has pulled out from the event?” I quirked my head to the side as I leant back and folded my arms across my chest. I wasn’t backing down on this. Jace and I deserved this chance to prove ourselves. At thirty-one years old it was now or never. “I promise I won’t go looking like this. I just had a slight mishap this morning.”

“I don’t want to hear about your escapades,” he grumbled. “You’ll dress to impress and uphold the name,” Brendan stated. It was as if he was commanding me. “After all, you don’t want to lose everything here.”

And there it was. The control Brendan Rightside desired and thought he could remove in a click of his fingers. How wrong was he?

“I understand. Now, if you’ll excuse me…” I pointed at my watch, making Brendan notice the time. “I had better ensure everything is prepped and ready before my clients begin to arrive.”

“Of course. Remember to push hard and create the best outline to suit, not just for the client but for us too or…”

“They’ll fuck you over and bleed you dry,” I finished for him. I knew that it was the motto that had been ingrained into each of our souls the moment we took our first steps inside the damn building. Too many marketing firms thought solely about the client’s wishes and often forgot about the people it took to get there. We are the building blocks to create their vision and we deserve to be recognized too. “But as you can see, I do have things I need to do. I’m sure you have, as well.” I threw the implication of work in his face, knowing that indeed he hated knowing I was right.

“I know you love to joke around but remember, this is your livelihood at stake. Your future. One day I’ll retire and then you’ll be in charge.” He stood up and grimaced, running his fingers over the battered suitcase on the table. “You need these connections to survive and form a future for years to come with the firm. Growth is important in this world.” I nodded, trying to drown out the noise. “Unfortunately for us, life can’t just be one big game; it’s fucking hard work. It’s something that if I don’t force you to see, then no one will.”

“I get it. You want us to have the stability to build a family; a life that easily falls into place,” I finished. I walked over to my office door and opened it for him, hoping he’d finally got the picture that I’d had enough and that this conversation was over with.

“I want you to have it all. The wife and career. Not a choice,” Brendan breathed out in frustration in the hope that I’d finally allow his words to settle within me. He had lost the person he cared for to continue this business he craved. They never would though because that’s not what I wanted and I knew the world I worked in would never accept who I really was. I was the guy who never wanted the woman, but a man.

So, for now, I’d stay firmly hidden in the closet, be the ever-doting employee and play by the rules—most of the time—focusing at least on being the best in my career. The rest could be forgotten for now.

Tick-tock. Tick-tock.

* * *

“Are you nearly ready?” Jace sauntered into the room, throwing his pile of papers into the tray for my secretary to deal with later. “I’ve had enough and I just want to get out of here.” He paused for a moment. “Like now.”

“You’ve been busy.” I slapped his shoulder before heading around to perch over his shoulder to see what had grabbed his attention. “What have you spotted?”

“Nothing,” Jace told me in a clipped tone, making me chuckle as I waited for the answer to come. He always did hate being pushed. “How are you going to guarantee a new client tonight?”