Page 11 of Holy Sinner

Rafe opens his mouth to me and that’s when I moan. He tastes like the honeyed whiskey I know he was just drinking but there’s something sweeter to Rafe. There always is and I can never get enough of it, either. He moves into my space. The two of us kiss like we fight and I’m worked up when he shoves me on my back and straddles me.

I grab his hips and squeeze him harder than I would Kit. I don’t have to hold back with Rafe and maybe that’s part of why I’m hooked on him, even though I want to cut his face off half the time. He groans and grinds against me before he squeezes my throat. I lift my hips to meet him and the friction has my dick hard–just like the hand on my throat. Rafe loves being harder on me than he is with Kit, just the same as I do. It’s what keeps him coming back, just like me. He cuts my air off and I let him play his little game. We’re serial killers, so what’s a little breath play?

“Did you find it?” Kit calls to us and I hear her footsteps approach where we are on the floor.

Rafe jackknifes up and holds her mascara up over his head like a trophy. “It’s here. I found it,” he says, his hand still squeezing my neck.

“Oh my gosh, you’re the best!” Kit comes running and he catches her when she hugs him.

“I know. I’m such a fucking hero, aren’t I?” he says and smirks down at me while he keeps his hold on my neck. Fucker. I break his hold and hip bump him off of me to grab Kit. She squeals and grabs on to me. The sound is happy, light, nothing like the look on her face when she saw the photo we showed her this morning. Kit kisses me and smiles up at me. The look in her eyes is soft and warm, the way I like her looking the best. I relax slightly but not entirely.

I’d seen Kit when filming had been done for the day. She’d looked wrong… there’d been no softness or gentleness to my girl then and I knew why. There isn’t a thing my girl does that I don’t know about. After what happened this morning with the photo, I knew I had to watch her if I wanted to force her to tell me why she had been so spooked by a prom photo. It was easy enough following Kit without her noticing me. My girl has a bad habit of never really stopping to look behind her. She’s gotten better about scanning but nothing more than a quick glance before she’s scurrying off.

All I had to do was find an out of the way spot and be still, find out what’s up, why she was doing what she was doing. Kit was too nervous and on the move to look around much. She had her computer out but wasn’t writing. Her fingers weren’t moving the way I knew they did when she was plotting or putting down a scene. From the way she had been looking at her screen I guessed she was trying to find out who took that fucking photo. She was jumpy as a cat, sneaking quick glances around the room but not looking behind her and to the left where I was. When she packed up and made a beeline for the door I waited thirty seconds before I followed her. I heard the slam of the metal door as I hit the hallway and slipped out with the sound guys passing through. It couldn’t have been more than a minute after I’d left the building that I saw Kit heading towards the trees.

Whatever made her go for the trees was quick and valuable enough Kit hadn’t overthought it. That immediately had me on high alert. Kit likes stability. She takes her time with things. She never ever goes anywhere without Rafe or me with her.

Who the fuck was she following?

I had to jog to keep up but the second I hit the trees I heard someone up ahead. Kit wouldn’t make that much noise. I kept Kit in sight and saw a flash of pink ahead of her before it was gone. It was only when I’d gotten to the clearing where Kit’s attack had happened that I heard a scream.

“That freak!”

I’d have known that screech anywhere.


Kit had followed Jasmine out here but why? I dropped low to keep an eye on things. I couldn’t make out what they were saying, only a word or two made it to me with the wind blowing hard through the trees but I listened hard. “Bitch” and of course, the tried and true “cunt” floated to me while I listened and stayed ready to intervene. I didn’t trust Jasmine with Kit, not even though Rafe and I had been teaching her self-defense. We got a coach to come by the apartment weekly now and she was better than good, even if she did still get timid after landing a solid punch on one of us. I know Kit isn’t a fighter by nature, just like I know she’s a quick study but it wasn’t until I’d watched her drop Jasmine with a punch to the gut like a bag of hammers that I realized how quick of a study she is.

Kit hadn’t stopped with that one punch, either. She’d cut Jasmine. Did it with the knife I’d gotten her because I didn’t like her walking around unarmed. Rafe had been showing her how to handle it lately and she’d learned. The ease with which she’d pulled that knife out and used it to keep Jasmine kneeling in her own sick was impressive.

Fuck, it had turned me on, too.

But what the fuck?

That’s not the woman I fell in love with. The woman that I call mine cries during sappy movies and gets the same take-out order from her favorite restaurants everytime. She loves thunderstorms and fuzzy socks. She can’t hold her liquor and she falls asleep holding on to my arm like she thinks I’m going to vanish by the time she wakes up. And above all else, she doesn’t keep secrets, not ever.

Today she had, though. Still was keeping one.

“What would I do without you?” She asks and leans down to kiss Rafe who’s sprawled where I tossed his ass, twirling Kit’s mascara in one hand with a shit-eating grin.

“I love you,” Kit tells me and I come alive. I only exist because of her anymore.

“I love you more,” I say and look her over, really take her in and commit the way she’s smiling up at me to memory. This is my girl. My love. Something is changing. I can feel it but right now we’re the way I like the best.

The doorbell rings and we all get up.

Chapter Seven


Grant is hiding something from me. I could even taste it on him when I kissed him. Kit is too, but in a different way.

She had been quieter than normal when we‘d left to come home but by the time we hit the apartment threshold she was back to her sweet self. Mostly.

Fucking secrets.

You know, something happens when you fall in love with someone. Everything about that person becomes your bible. Your everything. There is no world without Kit, there isn’t a me without her. I mean, there is, but the version without her seems so far away now.