Page 89 of Holy Sinner

“I think that’s healthy.”

“Yeah, but she did it,” I whisper.

Alana’s eyes widen and she comes close to me. “What do you mean she did it?”

The wail of an ambulance sounds next and a second later the ambulance screeches into the parking lot and parks on the curb. We watch paramedics scramble out and race into the assisted living center.


“She raped them.”

Alana freezes and stares at me. “What?”

“Dottie Bee raped Grant and Rafe,” I tell her. “She was waking up. I couldn’t let her get away with what she did, Alana.”

“Oh holy shit, you’re serious.” Alana rubs her forehead and then nods. “Okay, this is fine. This is fine.”

“Ladies, are we done here?” Jax asks and we both jump in surprise. I’d known the bodyguards had been keeping an eye on us but I hadn’t kept an eye on them. Not with telling Alana the truth. I hadn’t even known that I was going to do it. It had all just tumbled out before I could stop myself.

“Yeah, we’re good. Thank you,” Alana gives Jax a wink and ushers me towards the car, opening the passenger door for me. “I’ll be driving the rest of the way, though. Do y’all mind if we stop for some food before we go back?”

Jax inclines his head. “Absolutely. What would you like us to get?”

“Pizza. Pasta. Carbs. Lots of carbs and cheese,” Alana says without hesitation and I feel a surge of gratitude for her. She’s going straight for the comfort food.

“Thank you.” I hug her and get into the car while she hashes out the details with Jax. Scott comes into view in the side view mirror. He’s watching me. I wave my hand and he returns it before he turns away. I watch him while he walks the length of the car and joins Jax where he’s talking to Alana.

I sink lower in my seat and drop my eyes to the dark GPS. I know Dottie’s dead, the same way I knew Mark was when I saw him lying with his cracked open beside the pool. Alana gets in the car a minute later and gives me a tight smile.

“We’re going to swing by an Italian place. Scott already put in an order for us.” Alana punches in the address to a restaurant and throws the car into drive. “But while we drive you’re going to tell me what the fuck happened in there.”

A fire truck pulls up with its lights flashing, a cop car following close behind and I’m surprised by how I’m not worried about any of it. The only thing I feel is relief. It’s the same feeling I felt with Mark.


That’s the only word that comes to mind.

“She hurt them,” I say after a deep breath. “When they were new to Hollywood and just starting out, both of them were on Lighthouse Dreams. You remember that, right?” I ask and Alana nods.

“I do.”

“That’s where Dottie Bee met them and-and she forced them to do things they didn’t want. That’s what I mean by raped. Sh-she forced them to be with her if they wanted to make it.” I look out the window and think about the stilted conversations Rafe and Grant had about her with me. It had only been one time but they’d given it to me.

“Never felt more fucking disgusted by myself.”

“I can still feel her on me sometimes.”

I love my men so much. Knowing that a part of their soul wasn’t right because of something Dottie Bee had done to them was more than I can take. It sat with me, weighed heavy. Every single day that went by it tightened its grip on me. Grant and Rafe took care of me, there wasn’t a person that could touch me because of them, because they loved me.

It hurt that I couldn’t do the same for them.

“I couldn’t let her get away with it. Not anymore, not with her waking up and walking out of there. I had to make sure.”

The light in front of us turns red and Alana slows the car to a stop. Behind us Jax and Scott are close enough that I can see their faces. They look intent, focused as they scan the road.

Alana turns to look at me. “Make sure of what, Kit?”

“I had to make sure she never left that facility. That she wouldn’t get to be free and live the rest of her shitty life with what she did to them. She deserved to die, Alana.”