Page 63 of Holy Sinner

I shake my head. “We don’t know any of that. It’s just us guessing. Jumping to conclusions. Now, can we please just go to the lodge to order lunch because there’s nothing wrong.” My voice sounds thin to my ears but I soldier on. I’ve already gone down this road too far to backtrack now. Going back isn’t an option, even if I’m being unreasonable. Normal. That’s what I want. Because everything else is feeling out of control. Every minute that Jane is missing the world slips a little more out of sorts.

Ordering lunch at the lodge doesn’t make too much sense, I know that, but it’s the only thread to normal that I have so I grab hold of it and dig my heels in. Even when Grant gives me a stern look and I know he’s doing the math on how to keep me in the cabin without freaking Alana out. I’m one step away from throwing a fit and Grant reads that. He has to with the way he grabs my jacket off the hook beside the door and holds it up.

“Fine, let’s go. But you’re on thin ice, sweetheart.”

I eye the jacket. “I’m fine, really.”

Grant’s lips purse. “It’s raining. You put the jacket on or we go nowhere.”

He’s right. It is raining outside, par for the course in Oregon. After living in Seattle for months I’m used to it. A little rain won’t bother me but it’s not the rain. It’s Grant making sure I’m taken care of, even if I’m getting my way. I sigh and step into his space and let him help me into my jacket.

“Okay, fine.”

He turns me to face him and tips my chin up so that I’m looking at him. “Stop pouting.”

“I’m not.”

“Kit…” His voice holds a warning so I keep my mouth shut and nod.

“I’d take your side in this but you kinda deserved that.” Alana hops up off the couch and grabs an umbrella. “Let’s get a move on. I’m starved.”

The smile Grant gives her tells me he’s ready to play the hero, the picture perfect boyfriend and I relax. When he’s this version of himself, I know what he’ll do. It gives me more of the normal that I’m hungry for. I grab his hand and open the door. The second I step out onto the porch with a smile on my face I take in a deep breath and inhale the scent of damp earth. The patter of raindrops instantly makes my shoulders drop. It’s soothing outside, every little bit of it reminds me of why I wanted to get out of the cabin in the first place. But it all ends a second later when I see it.

There’s something sitting on the end of the porch. Right there on the top step, a rock sits on it, weighing it down. A slip of paper. A gust of wind makes it flutter in the wind and if it weren't for the rock I know it would fly away.

I point to the paper with a shaking finger. “What is that?” Even as I ask, I know it’s not good. Whatever it is shouldn’t be there.

“What is what?” Alana asks from behind me. Grant steps past me and sweeps me back into the cabin.

“Stay there,” he orders and heads towards the top step.

“What’s going on?” Alana grabs my arm.

“There’s something on the porch,” I tell her.

“What the fuck?” Alana whispers. She grabs my arm and pulls me back into the cabin. I let her and keep watching Grant. He stops in front of the paper and kneels to pick it up. I hear the stone roll off the top step when he does.

“What is it?” Alana calls out and I’m grateful she’s here because I don’t have my voice. I can’t ask him what it is because my knees are shaking. Fear spikes in me and I don’t know what else to do but hold on to Alana’s arm.

Grant stands and turns to me. It’s not a piece of paper in his hand, it looks too sturdy for that.

He points a finger at us. “Get back in the cabin and lock the door.”

I shake my head and move to go to him. “Grant, wait.” I don’t want to be separated from him but I know it’s not up to me when I see the look in his eyes.

It’s cold. Hard. Calculating.

My gentle and loving boyfriend isn’t here and he isn’t worried about playing the role for me. “Get in the cabin. Lock the door. Now.”

I shut the door.

Chapter Thirty-One


Someone is watching Kit and this isn’t news. Not by a long shot but the photos in my hand confirms they’re here to pin Jane’s disappearance on Kit. The photos are of Kit and they’re from last night and today. The first is from the last hour, Kit and Alana are in the shot. Kit is sprawled out on the couch beside her friend with a book in her hands but she isn’t looking at the book. She’s looking out the window. The photograph gives a clear shot of Kit’s face. Whoever took it was close to her, staring right back at her while Kit didn’t even know it. And I almost took her out to the lodge to give them a clearer shot at her.

You would think this photo is the concerning one but it isn’t. The second photo is the one that has me seeing red. It’s from last night and it’s taken from the bedroom, specifically the top of the bedroom.