“Disgusting bitch,” my mother snarls at me and then she’s marching Alana away.
“Kit!” Alana’s scream forces me back up, even though I want to stay on the ground. I have to go after her. I stumble and land on my knees and I might have stayed there if it wasn't for the telltale sound of a blade slicing through flesh. I lift my head in time to see Rafe sagging against the chest freezer with a hand pressed to his side, a bloody knife shining in the moonlight. My mother is holding that fucking knife.
“Get away from him!” I’m still on my knees and she could shoot if she wanted but my mother doesn’t. Why would she, when she’s having so much fun? She just stabbed my boyfriend and has a gun to my best friend’s head.
She wants me to see this.
She laughs. It’s cold and mocking, the way it’s always been. The sound echoes in my ears and then she’s gone.
Despite his wound, Rafe lands two jabs to Scott’s jaw and the other man slows and staggers. “I’m going to kill you and then I’m going to break that bitch in two.” Scott rallies when he hears that and launches himself at Rafe. The pair of them go sprawling into a wall of boxes that comes down around them when they crash into it.
I want to help but I can’t. I have to go after Alana. She’s leverage right now. My mother wants to shoot me. Scott stopped her because of the money. Alana doesn’t have what my mother wants. Money, yes. Alana has plenty of that. But it's my humiliation my mother craves. She wants to take everything from me.
Why wouldn’t she start with my best friend?
Chapter Forty-Nine
Kit’s cunt mother stabbed me. I fucking swear to god when my are hands on her I’m going to return the favor. But before I can make her pay, I have to finish Scott. I can’t believe he’s a part of this. I mean, part of me does believe it, considering I knew there was something wrong about him–but Kit’s mother’s boyfriend?
What the fuck is that about?
He swings at me and I dodge as I get to my feet. There’s a bat next to me and I grab it. Seeing as Scott doesn’t have his gun anymore, I intend to make this quick work.
“Oh, you need that to take me?” Scott laughs.
I don’t laugh. I swing and hit the fucker in face. He didn’t even try dodging it, which says all I need to know about how elite Scott and Jax are. If we had known it was them sooner, all of this would have been over. How the fuck did they keep their secret for so long?
Scott coughs blood and tries to get up but I don’t give him the chance. I twirl the bat in my hand and sigh before I bring it back down on him. It takes seven more hits in total before Scott’s dead. Two hits would have been enough but he pissed me off, so the other five were to recenter my goddamn calm.
I’m wiping my brow with the back of my hand when Grant finds me. “Nice.”
“What the fuck happened to you?” I ask. He’s got blood on his face and looks every bit the psycho I know him to be.
“It’s not mine.” He waves a hand. “Jax is down. Where’s Kit?”
“She’s back there,” I say, pointing with my bat. But when we go back to look in the corner there’s no one there. No sign of Kit or her mother. “Fuck. She went after that bitch.”
Grant shakes his head. “I came through the door. I didn’t see her.”
That has me panicking. Where the fuck is she? “She must have gone out another way. Come on.” I move past him but I barely get a step when Grant grabs my arm and pulls me to a stop.
“What the fuck-”
He puts a hand to the wound on my side and presses on it hard enough to make me grunt. “How the fuck did you get stabbed?”
I scowl at him and shove his hand away from me. “It was an accident.”
“You really let one of these rent-a-bitches do that to you?”
“It was Kit’s mom,” I tell him like it makes any difference and he laughs. I shoulder past him and start looking for Kit. “Shut the fuck up and let’s go.” We fan out and start looking but it’s Grant that finds the window Kit left through first.
“Over here!” He calls. When I find him he’s already outside and pointing to the trees. “She went that way.”
“Right.” I vault out of the window and that’s when I hear the gunshot. Grant and I both freeze before looking at each other. I see the fear in his eyes. It’s the same fear that I know is written all over my face. What if it’s Kit? That’s the only thing going through my mind and we’re both sprinting for the trees when the second shot goes off. I feel sick.
My girl could be fucking hurt right now. I don’t want to think about what else she could be but it whispers to me with every step.