Page 108 of Holy Sinner


My mom panics and so do her psycho boyfriends. Jax tries to keep it cool but there’s more than enough moonlight for me to see the way he’s looking around, like he expects Grant and Rafe to come out of nowhere and rip his head off.

I hope when they do I get to watch.

“What the fuck was that?” My mother shoves Scott’s arm and gets behind him. Jax comes forward and throws Alana down on the ground and I wince when I hear her hands hit the ground with a wet thwack. She’s in Alexia’s blood from the sound of it.

“It’s okay, it’s okay,” I whisper to her and rub her back. I help her to her feet and she sobs against my shoulder. I can feel the blood on her hands when I grab hers.

“I’ll go look,” Jax says, surprising me. I wouldn’t have thought he would volunteer but I guess the murderer is just full of surprises. I hold Alana tight when he walks past us.

“Breaker is in the main house,” Scott calls after him but Jax doesn’t answer.

“It’s going to be okay, I promise. They’ll come for us,” I tell Alana. She doesn’t say anything, just holds on to me tighter and keeps crying. I hate seeing my friend broken like this. I shift us back against the wall so that we’re leaning against it. The chest freezer is to our left, with Scott and my mother in front of us blocking the way out of the corner. I do the mental math of how much time we would have if I threw myself at a pile of boxes and tried to get Alana out of here. In the dark we might have a decent shot but it’s probably not worth it. Not with Grant and Rafe here. For all I know, they’re about to make their move and me running could ruin it.

“They’ll come. We’re going to be okay,” I say the words for myself. Even though I know Grant and Rafe are out there, that they’re coming for me, I’m still nervous. Anything can happen. My mother's here, after all. I would have thought an alien invasion was more likely than ever seeing her again.

“Don’t fucking think about it,” my mother snaps and I freeze. I don’t know what she thinks I’m trying to do. I haven’t moved an inch and Alana is stuck to my side.

I shouldn’t challenge her but I can’t help myself.

“Fuck you.”

“Shoot her friend.”

Scott’s gun comes up like it’s on a lever and he aims at Alana. “No!” I throw myself in front of her and force her back until she’s pressed between me and the wall. “Leave her alone!” Alana screams and grabs onto my shoulder.

“Oh god, oh god!”

I want to rip Scott and my mother to shreds but I can’t move. If I do, he might shoot Alana. “Get away from us!”

“Get out of the way, Kit,” my mother snarls. “Or I’ll have him shoot you.”

“She stays alive,” Scott says and my mother freezes. A flash of lightning shows me the fury on her face when she looks at him.

“What did you say?” she whispers.

Scott tilts his head to look at me as he speaks. “I said, she stays alive. We won’t get a fucking penny if she dies and everything will have been for nothing.”

“I’m nothing?” she asks and Scott’s attention snaps right to her.


“You’re saying she’s more important than me?” She flings an arm my way for emphasis.

“No, Noreen. Now is not the time for this. Baby, what are you-” Scott stops speaking as he suddenly jerks forward. His arm shoots up as he goes down and a shot fires off. Alana screams and hits the ground so fast that she takes out my leg and I land on the floor beside her. Everything goes fuzzy as I hit my head on the hard floor and the wind gets knocked out of me. I cough and roll onto my side as I try to suck in a lungful of air.

“No, no, get off of me!” Alana screams. I moan and try to lift my head to see what’s happening but I can’t. It’s too heavy and there’s something warm in my eyes. It takes me a few seconds to realize it’s blood. I’m bleeding. I end up on my back and see Alana fighting off my mother who is grabbing her arm. I want to scream at her to get away from my friend but I can’t, my breath and words are all tangled up.

“Fucker!” Scott goes crashing into the chest freezer a few feet away. One of my men is on him. I can’t tell who it is from the way I’m laying. I scrub my hand across my eyes and wipe the blood away. I’m able to see better and can make out Rafe’s shape but when I sit up everything spins and I have to brace my hands on the floor to keep from throwing up.

Oh no. I think I have a concussion.

“Kit!” Alana’s scream makes me wince but I push myself up to my feet. I sway for a second before white hot heat explodes across my cheek and I fall back into the wall behind me. My mother is standing over me with Scott’s gun in her hand. She slams it back down on me again and this time it hits across my temple and I see stars. If it wasn’t a concussion before, it is now. I can’t keep my feet under me and end up sliding down to the floor.

“No!” Alana throws her shoulder into my mother and the pair of them end up struggling for a second before Alana is slowly backed up with her hands raised and my mom’s gun on her.

She shoves Alana towards the door. “Move it!” she orders before she stops to look over at Scott. He’s still fighting with Rafe. I can’t see who’s winning but I know it’s Rafe. “Hurry up, Scott!” There’s panic in her voice and it confirms what I know. There’s no way Rafe will lose. I lean over to the side and throw up, barely managing to keep myself from ending up in my vomit.