Holy shit, she’s actually coming?

I glanced down at my phone at the text from Sam. I couldn’t believe she’d actually agreed to come. I’d invited her to parties before, but she always made an excuse to avoid it at all costs.

Here’s the thing about Samantha Flemming (or Sam, as she insisted I call her)…she was a damn enigma.

I’d met her in a Statistics class, and she had agreed to tutor me in math….even though I needed absolutely no help in that subject. Honestly, I just wanted an excuse to spend more time with her.

At first glance, she seemed to be quiet and mousy. But when I got to know her, I realized she was full of life. She was funny and sarcastic, and I could tell under it all, she was a lot of fun…not that she flaunted any of this to the world…or even probably realized it herself.

And cherry on top of it all, she was the one girl who didn’t seem to care at all about my money. Being rich means it’s hard to tell who is really your friend and who just wants you around because they think they’ll get something out of the deal. Sam didn’t seem to give two shits about my wealth. In fact, it almost seemed to annoy her that I was well-off.

Her face popped into my mind. She was pretty, gorgeous in fact, but it was as if she took steps to make herself seem more plain. She had long dirty blonde hair that I was sure hung down almost to her waist, but she always wore it piled on top of her head in a messy bun, so I couldn’t know for sure.

She always wore baggy t-shirts and an ill-fitting pair of jeans usually paired with an old pair of sneakers. She wore little to no make-up and thick blacked rimmed glasses.

Most wouldn’t give her a second look. My guess is she wanted it that way, though I had no idea why.

I also had no idea why I couldn’t stop thinking about her. What was it about her that drew me in? Why did I care so much about getting to know this girl who acted like I was the enemy?

I had no idea why, but I sure as hell wanted to find out. Then, maybe I could get her out of my mind once and for all.

Later that evening, the party was in full swing. People were dancing and already drunk as hell.

I walked around the house looking at the disarray and worrying about how I would catch hell from my housekeeper, Jacinda, the following day. She hated when I had parties. Who could blame her? My house was a disaster zone.

To be honest, I didn’t even really care about the parties anymore. Usually, one of my friends just asked to use the house, and I agreed. Part of me thought it was better than sitting in an empty house alone. But part of me was tired of the whole scene.

Same shit, different day. Have a party, get drunk, take an equally drunk girl into my bed and fuck her senseless until we both passed out. Don’t get me wrong, it was a good time. But it was getting rather mundane.

I wanted real conversation and a real connection with a woman who had more depth than a red plastic cup of beer. I wanted a woman who wanted me for something more than my money or my dick.

Maybe Sam could be that girl…even just as a friend. Maybe she could keep me from getting so caught up in all the bullshit. Maybe she could be my breath of fresh air. A breath of fresh air in my stuffy, rich world.

“Hey Ty.”

I heard a familiar voice behind me, but it wasn’t the one I was hoping for.

I turned around to be staring in the big brown eyes of Kayla Price.


Kayla was hot. She was one of the girls I’d taken to my bed on more than one occasion. She had the body you’d find in a men’s magazine, and the mouth of a porn star.

She was perfect for a good fuck, but I wasn’t in the mood to deal with her tonight.

She twirled her long platinum blonde curls around her finger. “This party is kind of lame.”

“No one is forcing you to stay, Kayla.” I responded sternly.

“Well, I was thinking maybe we could go upstairs and have our own party.” She bit her plump red lip which usually would have turned me on enough to take her upstairs, but now, I just wanted to get rid of her.

“Not tonight, Kayla. Not in the mood.”

I was trying to avoid eye contact with her as best I could, but she wouldn’t let up as she grabbed me through my jeans.

“I bet I could put you in the mood. I’ll do anything you want.”

I had no doubt she would. Kayla let me fuck her and use her like a whore. I wasn’t proud of it, but she seemed to enjoy it. Like the harder and faster I was, the more she loved it. She enjoyed the domination.