“Is it what?”

“A lost cause. Because I don’t see you doing shit to try to win her back.”

“What are you talking about? She made a decision, and I’m trying to respect that.”

“And Lala made a decision to marry Dr. Douchebag. All’s fair in love and war, my friend.”

“It’s not the same.”

Holden shrugged. “If you say so. But if you want my two cents, I don’t think you fought the good fight long enough.”

“You don’t understand. It’s not going to happen.”

“If you really believed that, you’d have taken Lacey up on her offer last night. Your head might have given up hope, but your heart hasn’t, my friend.”

“I wish my dick was aligned with my head.”

“Maybe you should give yourself a deadline. If things don’t work out with Alex by a certain date, you move on. Set a fire under your own ass.”

My phone vibrated from the counter. Wanting a distraction from this conversation, I walked over and picked it up. I was surprised to find Lacey’s name on the screen.

Lacey: Hey. Just wanted to say thank you for last night. For the drinks and…for being a gentleman when you walked me home.

I typed back.

Brayden: No thanks necessary. I had a really good time.

Lacey: Me too. You made me realize there are other fish in the sea. A year has been way too long.

Brayden: Good for you.

Lacey: I’m leaving for a work trip tomorrow, but I’ll be back next Saturday. Maybe we could hang out?

I wasn’t sure what hang out meant, and I didn’t want to lead her on, so I stalled. My fingers were still hovering over the keypad when a second text came in.

Lacey: I know you’re not over your ex. So no hard feelings if you’re not up for it. But if you are, I’ll be at my apartment at 8. Naked and sober.

My jaw dropped open. I’d completely forgotten Holden was still here until he spoke.

“Everything okay?”

I raked a hand through my hair. “Yeah. Except apparently, my deadline is next Saturday.”



The following Tuesday, it was my poker night with the guys. We always took turns hosting, and tonight Holden was in charge while his wife and daughter hung out with Billie over at Colby’s.

Holden arranged pizza boxes on his kitchen counter while Colby set up the table for our game. As always, he’d set up a fifth chair, which would remain empty in honor of Ryan, the fifth member of our crew. With the exception of my night out with Holden last weekend, I’d kept to myself lately, so it felt good to be here and away from my empty apartment.

Owen was the last to stroll in. He was the only one of the guys who’d moved out of our building after getting engaged. Between the new baby and his fiancée’s teenage siblings always being over, Owen had a lot going on. Whether he realized it or not, he probably needed the break tonight.

When we’d all assembled, Colby shuffled the cards and looked around the table. “How’s everybody doing?”

“Same.” Holden shrugged. “Handsome, charming, and hung as ever.”

Colby rolled his eyes. “How ’bout you, Owen? What’s new with you, dude?”