“Brayden never talks about the women he dates. He’s generally the most secretive of the bunch. So, the fact that he wanted me to speak to you says a lot. And one thing he’s not is dishonest. None of the guys in their circle are. If you ask them a question, you can bet their answers are the truth, even if you don’t wanna hear it.”

“Thank you.” I nodded, letting out a relieved breath. “Anything else?”

“Not that I can think of. Just if you’re ever in the city and need a tattoo, I’ll get you in without an appointment. Any friend of Brayden’s is a friend of mine.”

“Well, that’s very generous of you. It would be my first tattoo, if that ever happened.”

“Then we definitely need to rectify that.”

“It was nice talking to you, Billie.”

“Same, Alex. Bye.”

I handed him back the phone.

“Thanks, Billie.” After he hung up, he crossed his arms. “Did she have anything interesting to say?”

“She deems you trustworthy.”

“See?” He winked. “Don’t get me wrong, Alex. I like that you might’ve been a little jealous.”

“It wasn’t only jealousy. It was also…fear.”

“Why are you so afraid of me?” he asked. “I swear, I’m not out to hurt you.”

“I know you’re not looking to hurt me, Brayden.”

“But you’re still looking for reasons this can’t work.”

“I’m not gonna lie…sometimes you seem too good to be true. I do believe you’re a genuinely good person. The way you’ve been helping Charlie, your work with kids—both with the prosthetics and volunteering. You never brag about anything or try to use it to your advantage. All of that stuff makes you even hotter than the way you look.”

“If that kind of stuff makes you more hot for me, I should let you know I helped a little old lady across the parking lot today.”

I cackled. “You’re funny, too. That’s another thing in your corner.” I paused, trying to collect my thoughts. “My fear, though, relates to whether I am the right woman for you.”

His expression turned serious as his tone grew softer. “Let’s talk about it, then.”

“I think sometimes in life you have to look beyond the present moment. There’s not a single reason why you and I don’t work right now. But there are things that will come up in the future and cause us to end badly. For example, you want kids. You said it yourself. That’s not something I would likely be able to give you. So, essentially, isn’t that a deal breaker?”

“Of course not,” he said.

My eyes went wide. “How can you say that?”

“There are ways to have kids besides biologically. Unless you wouldn’t be open to that, either?”

“I don’t know.” That was the truth.

“While I understand you thinking ahead about the potential problems we could face many months or years from now, that’s not how I operate, Alex. If Ryan’s death taught me anything, it’s that we need to live every day like it’s our last. I could get hit by a truck tomorrow. And you know what? The thing I’d regret most is not getting to see where things went with you.”

My heart lurched. “You’re unbelievable,” I mumbled.

“Come back to my room tonight, and I’ll show you unbelievable.”

“That’s dangerous, and you know it.”


“I don’t think so.”