“Yeah, I get the conflict. Believe me, I do. She loves Caitlin more than anything. But you’re all adults, you know? It shouldn’t be this difficult. She’s sacrificing her own happiness for something that’s long in the past. It wasn’t like Caitlin was hung up on you or anything. You only came up again because you were dating Alex. Now all of a sudden, there’s a problem? All of a sudden you exist again? It doesn’t sit right with me that Alex should have to throw away her love life because of some college fling her daughter had a decade ago. I mean, I’m sure you’re a totally different person than you were then.”
“I am. But good luck convincing Alex she should disregard her daughter’s feelings, regardless of how much time has gone by. She’ll never do anything to upset her.”
“I realize convincing her to put her own happiness first in this equation is a tough sell. But I’m also a huge believer that what people don’t know won’t hurt them.”
I squinted. “What do you mean?”
“That brings me to the real reason I’m calling.”
“What’s that?”
“Alex and I are coming to New York City tomorrow.”
My heart skipped a beat. “Really?”
“I figured she wouldn’t have told you.”
“Safe assumption. We haven’t spoken since she texted last week to let me know she wouldn’t be coming upstate. What’s going on in the City?”
“A medical spa expo. We’re driving in tomorrow, and only going to be staying one night.”
Adrenaline coursed through me at the prospect of Alex coming to my city. The need to see her felt urgent. “Just one night, huh?”
“Yep,” he said. “Blink and you’ll miss us. I was thinking maybe you could, you know, happen to show up at the restaurant where we’ll be eating dinner.”
“I don’t know, man. Do you think she’ll want to see me if she’s been actively avoiding talking to me?”
“I realize she’d never initiate this, but I do think once she sees you, she’ll be happy you’re there. It will give you an opportunity to properly talk about what happened. I feel like she ran off so fast the weekend Caitlin was there, you didn’t have time to process any of this in private.”
I sighed. “Well, that’s the damn truth.”
“No pressure. I just thought you’d want to know she’s coming to town, because I knew she wouldn’t tell you herself.”
I nodded. “I appreciate you letting me know. Definitely text me where you guys end up going. I’m not sure yet if showing up is the right decision. I’ll need to think on it.”
“Will do.”
“And hey, the offer still stands for me to introduce you to my friend Deek,” I added. “Just let me know if you’re interested. Maybe not this trip since you’re only in town for one night. But next time.”
“No. I’m not interested in meeting your big, burly, tatted friend—said no one ever.” He chuckled. “Bring it on.”
It wasn’t like I’d been anxiously awaiting that text from Wells the following day or anything. I hadn’t eaten all day, nor done anything productive—another useless day at work.
Around four PM, my phone chimed. I hopped out of my seat to grab it.
Wells: Alex and I will be dining at Le Poulet at eight.
My finger hovered over the keypad for several minutes. I wasn’t ready to commit, so I bought myself some time.
Brayden: Thanks. I appreciate you letting me know. Gonna think about what’s best and get back to you.
I wanted to take the risk and just show up. But then my common sense would kick in and remind me I was probably the last person Alex wanted to have turn up at dinner.
Better than my common sense, though, was my friend who always set things straight. I really could use Billie’s advice on this situation. I went down to the tattoo shop to see if she had a moment to chat.
Billie held her hand up when she saw me standing there, and I waited while she finished with her client.