It’s not going to be me. I exhaled. “Well, not knowing someone’s age doesn’t count. You’re one to talk, telling me to date someone a lot younger than me when you’ve never knowingly dated anyone older.”

“It’s another reason this is perfect.” He gestured between us. “We have a lot to learn from each other.”

“You know what you can teach me?”

Brayden leaned in. “What?”

“How to use a nail gun.” I laughed. “I’m starting to worry I’ve gotten a bit in over my head with the hands-on aspect of this project. I don’t have any real experience outside design.”

His teeth gleamed. “I got your back. You need help with anything, I’ll be right there.”

That was part of my worry. This project would mean spending quite a bit of time with him. It would be really helpful if he weren’t so damn irresistible. Speaking of which, it would be smart for me to get back to my room before this dinner turned into a nightcap.

After Brayden paid the bill, refusing to let me contribute, I reached for my purse and said, “We’ve got an early day tomorrow. I think I’m gonna head upstairs.”

Disappointment crossed his face. “Are you sure? I feel like it’s too early to say goodnight.”

“It’s nearly ten.”

“Like I said, early.”

“We’ll have to agree to disagree on that.”

“Among other things.” His eyes sparkled. “Come on,” he urged. “Have one drink with me at the bar.”

My body tightened as I hung on to my resolve. “I can’t. My shower and bed await.”

“That sounds like fun, too.”

I rolled my eyes.

“Can I at least walk you to your room?” he asked.

I wasn’t about to turn that sentence into famous last words. “No, thank you. I’m gonna stop by the concession stand and grab some Advil on my way.”

“Did I give you a headache?” he asked.

Um, no. It’s just an excuse since I can’t trust myself with you. I started walking away before he could say anything else to sway me. “Goodnight, Brayden.”

“’Night, Alex. Don’t let the bedbugs bite,” he called.

I turned to face him one last time, walking backward. “We’re in a hotel. Don’t say bedbugs.”

Brayden blew me a kiss, and I nearly knocked into someone before vowing not to look back at him again for fear I’d change my mind about going back to my room like a good girl. Nonetheless, a perma-smile seemed plastered across my face as I headed upstairs.

When I got back to my room, I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. My cheeks were rosy from either excitement, arousal, embarrassment, or a combination of everything. I slapped myself on the face. “Snap out of it!” Then I laughed at how stupid I was acting. For someone who thought she was too old for this guy, I sure was acting like a silly schoolgirl.

My phone rang, snapping me out of my stupor. I answered the FaceTime call, and my stepdaughter, Caitlin, popped up on the screen.

“What’s going on?”

I blew out a long, shaky breath. “Not much.”

“You look like something’s got you frazzled.”

Biting my lip, I placed some hair behind my ear. “I do?”

“Yeah. Like I caught you with your Lilly Pulitzer pants down or something.” She giggled. “Someone there with you?”