“We used an entire box of condoms.” Her voice goes a little soft, like maybe she’s reliving some of it, too.

“I remember. It was fantastic. We should definitely try to break that record this time.”

“What makes you think I want to do you again?”

“Do me again? Oh baby, I’m pretty sure it was me doing you, not the other way around.” She huffs, and I laugh. “If I say you did me instead of the other way around will it help me get you naked again?”

“Maybe. When’s the game?”

“Not this Friday, but next.”

“Let me check my calendar.” Silence follows, and then several seconds later, “Randy?”

“Still here. Waiting for a naked pic.”

“Still not happening. I have some bad news.”

“Don’t tell me you can’t come.” I don’t like disappointment.

“I can come just fine. I think you should know this by now.”

My voice lowers. “I sure fucking do, and I have plans to make it happen repeatedly in under two weeks.”

“That sounds fun, but I won’t be able to make the game.”

“Because of work? Just call in sick.”

“I would, but we have a holiday performance, and that’s our dress rehearsal. I can’t miss it. You could always do what you did last time and come to Guelph.”

“I can’t. We have a game on Sunday in Chicago. I have to fly back with the team.”


“Fuck.” I run a hand through my hair. “I wanna see you.”

“You mean you want to get me naked.”

“That, too.”

“Well, Sunny’s been talking about moving to Chicago, and Alex has already put in an offer on a house for her, so it looks like I might have a reason to come out your way sooner or later.”

“Miller mentioned that.”

He’s more than mentioned it. He’s counting down the days. He’s got Sunny’s work placement all set up so she can finish college here instead of in Canada. He’s already looked into what it takes to get her citizenship and everything. At first he thought he could have her run the foundation he set up, but it’s way more involved than any of them realized, so between him and Alex, they managed to secure Sunny something in a non-profit organization.

“I’m kinda surprised she’s not moving in with him, what with how whipped he is,” I add.

“She will eventually. She wants her own space for a while. She keeps trying to convince me to move out there with her.”

“You should. That’d be way more convenient for me.” I’m half-kidding. I’m also all-the-way hard at the idea of having access to her more often.

Lily laughs. “I’m all about making it more convenient for you. I’ll get right on packing.”

“Seriously, though, how hard is it to get a work visa?”

“I have dual citizenship, so that’s not really an issue.”

“For real?”

“Yeah. My dad didn’t give me much, but he gave me that.”

“So it’s perfect, then; you move out here with Sunny, and we can get naked all the damn time. It’ll be awesome.”

“Except for the fact that I won’t have a job.”

“You teach skating. This is Chicago. People are insane about hockey here. Everyone wants to be pro, and most take a year of figure skating to build ice skills. I bet I could make a call and get something lined up just like that.” I snap my fingers. Then I consider the idea of Lily in one of those little skating skirts with prepubescent boys drooling all over her. They won’t be the problem. It’ll be the dads.

“Alex has already offered to do that.”

I get that feeling in the back of my neck again. “Then you should do it.”

Lily laughs. “I don’t know.”

“What isn’t there to know?” I have no idea why I’m pushing this so hard. Maybe it’s because I haven’t had sex in three weeks and I was totally banking on having lots of it next Friday. With Lily. I think I might be developing a slight problem—not that it matters since I won’t be getting what I want.

“It’s not like Sunny’s going to stay in that house forever. I give her six months tops. Or maybe Miller will move in, and I’ll have to find my own place. Besides, I don’t really know anyone in Chicago.”

“That’s not true. You know Alex and Violet and her friend—the one who’s with Westinghouse—and most importantly, you know me.” My voice goes low as I stick my hand inside my pants and adjust my hard-on. “Think about all the fun we could have, Lily.”

“Oh, I’m very familiar with all the fun we could have.”

“Then you should definitely consider it. I mean, how awesome would it be if we could have bathroom sex in houses, as well as hotels and arenas.”

“We could’ve had bathroom sex at Alex’s.”

“True, but the bed was so much better. Fuck. We need to stop talking about sex in bathrooms.”

“Why? Is it stressing you out?”