When I’m on a slick surface with blades on my feet and I’m going down, there’s one essential rule: always be on top. He’s spitting obscenities, pissed because I pulled a shady move. But he’s been a problem all game. My plan isn’t to fight, though. All I want is to get him off my back. But he starts swinging, so I don’t have a choice but to deflect.

He grabs my cage.

There are very few things that really make me angry on the ice. Chippy playing is one of them. Asshole defense is another. And cage-grabbing makes me see red. I hold his helmet with both hands, pinning his head to the ice. I keep trying to get traction, but he’s still holding on to my cage with one hand, and trying to punch me with the other, so my feet keep sliding out from under me.

It takes three tries for me to get up. The crowd is going crazy. Colorado fans are screaming at the refs to do something. Chicago fans are just as wild. I shove off the guy as the whistle blows. I’m not surprised by the penalty, but at least Colorado gets one, too.

“Nice ice-hump there, Balls. That’ll look awesome on the highlights.” Miller pats me on the shoulder on my way to the penalty box.

We end up losing the game by one. At the bar some chick offers to make me feel better. She has dark hair like Lily’s, but it’s longer. Her lips are red, and her boobs are bigger. Her eyes are blue. I could try to fuck out some of the anger and whatever else is going on inside me, but I think it’ll have the opposite effect.

I decline and head up to the room instead. Miller’s already there. He’s lying down, doing what he always does after a game: watching the highlights.

“Check this out.” He points to the screen.

There I am, ice-humping the guy from Colorado. No wonder he was so mad. “He was being a dick; he deserved it.”

“Not arguing with that.”

Miller rolls out of bed and ambles to the bathroom. I shrug out of my suit and drop it on the floor, too lazy to give a shit. I check my phone, but I don’t have any new messages from Lily. Normally after a game she sends me one.

I pull up her contact and call her. It rings a bunch of times and goes to voice mail. I close my eyes at the sound of her voice, telling me to leave a message at the tone.

I take a deep breath after the beep. At first I consider hanging up, but then I figure she’s going to know it’s me from the number, and all I’ve done so far is pervert breathe. Miller comes out of the bathroom as I start talking. “Some girl wanted to fuck me tonight. She looked kinda like you. Well, only her hair, but not even—”

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Miller smacks the phone out of my hand.

“I’m leaving a message.”

I try to grab my phone, but Miller shoves me out of the way. I slam into the night table, and the lamp falls over.

“About banging some other chick?” he yells.

“I didn’t fuck another chick. That’s the point!”

Miller nabs the phone and puts it to his ear. I tackle him to the floor, and we wrestle, me trying to get the phone while he tries to punch buttons. He puts a hand on my face. “Stop being an idiot, Balls. I’m trying to delete the message.”

“I’ll delete it.” I elbow him in the ribs and finally get my phone, but I must hit the wrong button because I don’t get the option to delete or send. “Shit.”

“Don’t tell me you sent that.” Miller pushes me off of him.

I lie on the floor, panting. “I think I sent that. Should I message her and tell her to delete it without listening to it?”

Miller shakes his head. “You know, I thought I was hopeless with relationships, but you make me look like goddamn Einstein. I’mma call Sunny.”

“What good is calling Sunny gonna do?”

“She can at least talk to Lily.” Miller punches away at his phone, brows furrowed in concentration. “I’m getting voice mail.” He waits a few more seconds. “Hey, sweets. I’m guessing you’re asleep. If you get a chance, can you call me? Randy left a stupid message for Lily, and it’d be better if she didn’t listen to it. Love you. Can’t wait to come home…” He lowers his voice so I can’t hear the rest.

I decide it’s probably best if I message Lily since Miller can’t get a hold of Sunny.If u get a msg from me can u delete it? It didn’t come out the right way.I don’t hear back from her.