“Dude!” Miller says. “You couldn’t even put on clothes? Sunny, don’t look.”

“It’s not like I haven’t seen him in swim shorts before. Oh, wow. You might wanna do—something with…” She makes a sound and then stops talking.

“Where’s Lily?” Miller doesn’t sound happy.

“I’m right here.” I step out from behind Randy—he’s broad and tall enough to hide behind. “Can you zip me up?”

“Sure thing.” He tugs the zipper, skimming my spine along the way. I shiver at the gentle press of his lips between my shoulders.

Miller makes an unimpressed noise.

“Oh, no.” Sunny claps a hand over her mouth.


“Your hair!”

“What about it?” I touch the front. It’s flipping out instead of under right now, but that’s not a big deal. I can always attribute it to the humidity.

“No, the back! Sunny shoves her way past Miller and Randy and takes my hand, leading me to the bathroom. She turns on the light, slams the door shut, and locks it. Taking me by the shoulders, she turns me to face the mirror.

“Oh, shit!” The back of my hair is like a peacock. It gives new meaning to bedhead. There was a lot of vigorous thrusting. The state of my hair reflects that. My skin is flushed, and the rest of my hair has started to curl out at the ends, but otherwise, I don’t look too bad—I don’t think, anyway.

“Everything okay in there, ladies?” Miller asks.

Sunny opens the door and jabs a finger in Randy’s direction. “I’m fixing Lily’s sex hair, no thanks to you!”

He’s already got his pants back on and is shrugging into his shirt. It’s a whole lot wrinkly now. Sunny closes the door and locks it again, then starts finger-combing out the knots.


“Stop whining and help me! Dinner’s already started, and people are wondering where the two of you are.”

“I bet no one even noticed.”

“Alex did.” She turns on the tap and lowers her voice. “You’ve been gone more than an hour!”

“We have not.”

“Oh, yes. You have. It’s almost eight.”

“No way.”

“Yes way.” Her fingers get caught in my tangled hair, and she struggles to pull them free. “So?”

“So what?”

She lowers her voice even more. “Don’t so what me. How was it?”

“Remember how I told you about that spontaneous orgasm I had before?”

“Did that happen again?” She says it way louder than she should.


She mouths sorry. “Did it?”

“No, but it was the same kind of orgasm. So intense. I don’t even know how to describe it. God, Sunny, the sex was incredible.”

“Better than with Benji?”

“There isn’t even a comparison.”

“See? I knew a fling was exactly what you needed. Sometimes there’s no replacement for hot sex.”

“Yeah. Totally.” No strings. No attachments. Just a whole lot of awesome orgasms.Chapter 11All The ThwartsRANDYMiller’s pissed at me. I don’t see why. It’s not like anyone but Lily’s going to sleep on those sexed-up sheets. And no one cares if we go missing. We’re not essential to the party.

“Think you can wait until the end of the night before you lock Lily in another bedroom to get your dick wet?” he grumbles as we head down the stairs.

I fasten my cuff and smooth a hand down my shirt. It’s wrinkled from being on the floor, but I’m not the focus tonight, so it’s doubtful people will notice. “What’s your problem, man? Lily says you two have been disappearing all day. If you’d invited me to come early, maybe I could have kept her company.”

He grits his teeth. “Seriously, Balls, I’m not in the mood for this right now. Violet’s hammered, and we’re trying to get her sobered up so she doesn’t say something stupider than she usually does. I don’t have time to police you and your dick. Lily’s like part of Sunny’s family. Alex is almost as protective of her as he is of Sunny. You see how you’re not helping things?”

“Does he have a thing for her?” A hot feeling shoots down the back of my spine.

“For Lily? No.”

“Did he ever?”

“How should I know? That’s not relevant anyway, considering he’s marrying my sister. My issue right now is that it makes Lily look bad if you’re hauling her off to bang her all over the house. Alex won’t like it. I’ve worked way too hard to smooth things over with him for you to go fucking it up by screwing Lily around.”

“I’ve already told you, I’m not screwing her around.”

Miller rubs his forehead. “I know you’re not trying to, just use a little judgment. You’re in Waters’ house. He’s already stressed. He doesn’t need a reason to snap.”

Lily and Sunny come out of the bathroom, ending our conversation. Lily looks just as gorgeous as she did before I got her naked and made a nest of her hair. It’s still a little tangled, but I can’t imagine anyone noticing, other than present company.

Honestly, all I want to do is bail on this party, take Lily back to my place, and fuck her until she has to leave for Canada. She is everything I like in a woman, plus she skates. And she’s on the rebound. So I’m nothing but a gateway to the next guy. It’s the absolute perfect setup. Miller’s getting his balls in a knot over nothing.