“You’re coming.” I look up at her, shirtless, the strap of her bra hanging off her arm instead of sitting on her shoulder, her palms flat against the wall behind her.

“No shit,” she gasps.

“I barely even touched you.”

“I’m as confused as you are.”

“Bend your knees and spread your legs,” I order.


I move my hand from between her thighs, eliciting a despondent sound. Gripping her by the waist, I duck under her knee and shove my head through the narrow gap so I’m face to face with her pussy. It’s not easy, but I manage. Then I lift her so she’s sitting on my shoulders with her legs hanging over my back.

I hold onto her left thigh and slide the other hand up her stomach and under her bra. Her breasts pop out the bottom, nipples tightening as I brush my thumb over one. I cover the soft swell with my palm, squeezing as I hold her against the wall. I don’t have much room to move, but she’s already worked up enough as it is, so I suction my mouth to her clit and circle it with my tongue.

“Holy fuuuuuuu—” Her legs tighten around my head. I abandon her boob and cover her mouth. I don’t think she has the ability to control her volume right now, or any other part of her, considering the way she’s flailing around. I don’t know that I’ve ever been with a girl who can come as fast and hard as she can with so little contact. Last time she came a lot, but it wasn’t like this. Maybe it’s because we’re in a public place and she’s into the exhibitionism thing.

Whatever the reason, I’m all over making it happen again. She moans my name into my palm and bites the fleshy part, writhing against my face. The shuddering starts all over. It’s followed by a noise that sounds almost like a sob.

I raise my head, my beard rubbing against her clit. I’m gonna need to shampoo the fuck out of it later. A violent, whole-body tremor shoots through her. “Lily, baby, you okay up there?”

Her head lolls forward, her breath coming in short bursts. All she does is make a sound. Her eyes are droopy and glassy. She looks high as a kite.


“You doing okay?”

She shakes her head and blinks a bunch of times, like she’s trying to clear the fog. “So much coming.” It’s kind of garbled.

I’m about to go back to eating her pussy so I can make that happen again, when a knock on the door startles us.

“Lily? Are you in there again?” It’s Sunny, Miller’s girlfriend. She and Lily are best friends. This is an interesting situation.

Lily’s eyes go wide, her panic comical. “I’ll be out in a minute!”

She struggles to get off my shoulders, nearly taking us to the floor. It wouldn’t be so bad if we weren’t in a bathroom. It’s clean, but not that clean. I grab her hands and bite the inside of her thigh, sucking hard on the skin.


“Is everything okay in there?” Sunny asks.

“It’s fine. I’m fine. I just stubbed my toe!”

I raise an eyebrow, and she mouths what? but she stops making things difficult so I can set her feet back on the floor and duck out from between her legs. She almost loses her balance, but I hold her hips and keep her standing. Before I pull up her panties I press a kiss above the cleft of her pussy, then add enough suction to leave a faint, purple bruise to match the one on the inside of her thigh.

“Stop it!” she whisper-hisses, trying to push my face away.

I’m stronger than she is, though, and she shifts her hips forward even as she pulls my hair, like she’s secretly seeking my tongue again. I lick her swollen clit one last time, watching her skin pebble, then carefully shimmy her panties over her hips. She takes care of her suction jeans, getting them up with far less difficulty than I got them down. Lily adjusts her bra so her nipples are covered again and pulls her shirt over her head. Her hair’s a sweet mess.

Once all the best parts of her are hidden, I shift my hard, achy dick to the left so I can zip up my pants.

“Oh, God.” She reaches out, then stops. “You’re so hard. I didn’t even—”

“Don’t worry.” I wink. “That’ll get taken care of later.”

“I have to take Brett home.”

I shrug. “I can wait.”

Her mouth drops—that seems to be a reaction I elicit from her often. “Oh my God! You’re such a cocky asshole!”

“Didn’t you just come three times?”

“Two point five, and I didn’t force you to eat my pussy!”

“You’re the one who kissed me, and you sure didn’t seem to mind me eating you.”

She jams the fallen items into her purse and hugs it to her chest. Elbowing me in the ribs, she pushes me out of the way. I don’t get how she can go from orgasm bliss to being angry, but then I don’t honestly know her that well. Maybe she’s got a split personality or something.