What would it be like to have three guys fawning over my every move?

Cassi's eyes meet mine as we wait for the room to clear out, "It's like this every time we have ladies' night—the guys decide to have a men's night at the same time—same location." She rolls her eyes, but I notice a flash of something in her eyes—jealousy, perhaps. "It won't be the last we'll see of any of them."

"Sorry about that." Teagan says sheepishly, "Where were we?" She snaps her fingers, "Gift. We bought you a gift." She hands me a box wrapped in what appears to be tiny dancing penises on the paper. I raise an eyebrow at her. "What? I can't wait to throw someone a bachelorette party."

"You know you'll be the first one out of all of us to get married." Britt laughs.

"You're not wrong." Teagan smiles, "Now open your gift."

I fight the urge to rip at the wrapping paper. It's not normal for me to receive gifts—being rich and famous, everyone assumes I'll buy them whatever they want. That's another reason I don't have many friends. I open the box and find an engraved wine glass with the words. I make pour decisions etched in the glass.

"What does it say?" Britt leans forward in her chair, trying to get a closer look. Cassi picked it out. She said it was perfect for you. We each have our own personalized wine glass." Britt holds up her glass, which looks like water instead of wine, and reads, "Jesus touched my glass. "

Clever. I laugh now understanding the clear liquid in her wine glass.

They each take turns holding up their wine glass for my inspection. From Teagan's One Shot, Two Shot, Three Shot Floor, to Gemma's Save Water, Drink Wine, with the obvious water in the glass just like Britt's, to Cassi's glass stating Bitch Less, Wine More.

"Fun, right? Gemma and Britt don't drink alcohol so that means more for us." Teagan raises her half-full glass in the air in a mock salute as Cassi fills mine with red wine.

I take a drink from my glass and the sweet wine flavor bursts on my tongue. "This is delicious." I set my glass on the counter, pick up the wine bottle and read the label. "Pour Some Vino On Me. Oh my God, you have wine from Kyrie Vince's Winery?" I'm a huge fan of her Pop Princess mom and Rock God dad. We met a few years ago at a red carpet event—I haven't seen Kyrie in a while, but I absolutely love her wine with all its clever '80s song titles.

"I got a whole case from Kyrie last week. She's looking for a new spokesperson, but honestly, I think you would be a better fit than me."

"That's a great idea, Teagan," Cassi says. "We need something adult for you to endorse for your new image instead of those preteen clothes and makeup you've been doing the last few years."

Cassi's right. I do need some new, edgy endorsement deals. "Can you set up a meeting with Kyrie?" I lift the bottle and add more wine to my almost-empty glass.

"Sure thing." Cassi pulls her phone out of her purse and sends a quick text. "Okay, now down to the real reason we are here. Hadley wants to change her image from the sweet girl next door to a vixen on the prowl, and we're going to need your help." Cassi proceeds to tell them my plan to break into the music business.

Teagan, Britt, and Gemma all offer their support. "I can set up a social media campaign." Britt offers.

"How about if Hadley sings the National Anthem at one of the home games?" Gemma adds.

"That all sounds great, but let's talk about Barnett, Caspian, and Holden. If they're going to be your pretend boyfriends, you really have to sell it to the public—touching, kissing, getting caught in compromising positions."

Teagan's right. I need this fake relationship to be believable. "Maybe we could get caught having sex in a public place, or maybe we could make a sex video?"

Are celebrity sex videos even a thing anymore?

"Not bad." Cassi taps her fingernail to her bottom lip. "We need something big to show the world you're a legitimate rising Rockstar and no longer a child actor. Let me think on that, and we can circle back." She lifts her glass to her lips and takes a large drink.

As the four of them discuss my future, my mind wanders to the guys downstairs. Cassi said she talked to them today and that they are on board with the plan, but what if we don't click? I need a backup plan, just in case.

The basement door opens, and my eyes are drawn to the sound. My heart flutters, hoping it's Barnett, Caspian, and Holden coming up to see me, but of course, I'm not that lucky. Standing in the doorway is one of the triplets, with the other two right behind him.

One by one, the guys, except for Barnett, Caspian, and Holden, make their way back upstairs and into the arms of their shared woman. It's still a strange concept, but I don't see anger or jealousy when I look at these couples. I only see love.

This time, I'm officially introduced to each of the guys. Teagan's boyfriends are also her teammates, Coulter, Fin, and Royal. Britt's boyfriends are Teagan's identical triplet brothers, Torin, Talen, and Tarek, who play for the Norse. Gemma's boyfriends are Teagan's Uncle, who co-owns the team with his two best friends, Beck and Jenson, who also share Gemma.

Cassi and I are the two odd men out. Only Cassi doesn't seem to be put off by it as she jokes and laughs with everyone. I, on the other hand, want to be around my boyfriends even if they are fake and we're not in a real relationship.

I eye the basement door confirming Barnett, Caspian, and Holden are not joining the rest of us upstairs.

Here goes nothing.

I take a deep breath and blow it out before walking through the basement door.
