"Okay, but seriously," Cassi says, as our laughter dies down, "The three I picked for you just happen to be three of the sweetest guys you'll ever meet." I open my mouth to argue, but she raises her hand to stop me. " Except when they are on the ice. They also like to party a little harder than the rest of the team, so they've gotten a bad rap with the media."
"They sound perfect!" An evil plan begins to form in my mind as I think of all the ways to show the media how bad I can be with my bad boys of hockey at my side.
"Now, wait a minute. They're on the head coach's shit list right now. Give me a chance to talk to the coach and set up a dinner date with you and the guys. How does that sound?"
"Sounds great!" I can barely sit still now that Cassi is on board with my idea. "So tell me a little bit about my new boyfriends." I coax, secretly hoping it's the three guys I saw earlier on the ice getting yelled at by the coach.
"The first guy is Barnett Billings. He's a defensive right winger from Colorado." Cassi flips through her phone before showing me a picture of a guy with dark chocolate brown hair and deep brown eyes, and my heart flutters. "Here's a picture of him."
All I can do is nod. I knew these guys would be good-looking, but if the other two are half as handsome as Barnett, I'm going to be in big trouble. And the fact that they are more than likely the guys the coach was yelling at is even better.
Cassi flips her phone back around and scrolls through some more pictures. "Here's one with both Caspian Hove and Holden Hill in it." She turns her phone to me, showing me two more gorgeous guys. "Caspian is the blond on the right, and Holden is the one on the left with the brown hair and beard."
How can she be so basic in describing these guys who look like they were sculpted by the Norse Gods? With his golden locks tied in a knot on the top of his head, Caspian looks ready to seduce anyone who comes near him with those ice-blue eyes. And Holden doesn't just have brown hair—he has brown hair with natural auburn highlights any woman would pay hundreds of dollars for. Match that with his emerald green eyes, and he's just as much of a lady killer as the other two.
"Um, yeah, they'll do." I wipe at my lips, positive I'm drooling over the three of them when I realize my other lips are soaked from looking at their pictures, and I squirm in my chair again, only this time not in fear of Cassi disagreeing with my plan. Instead, my body is responding to these three sexy men in its most primal way, soaking my panties in lust.
Cassi gives me a knowing smirk, "Great. I'll meet with them later today to discuss the plan, and then I'll set up a dinner date for the four of you so you can go over the details in depth with them. But until then, I think it's time you met the Ladies of the Norse."
"The who?" I ask, trying to figure out what to expect.
"A group of women that work for the Minnesota Norse all get together once a week and have ladies' night. We rotate who's house we go to. Tomorrow night, Teagan is hosting it at her home."
"That sounds like fun." I've never really had any girlfriends to hang around with—life on a sitcom was grueling. Every spare moment was spent rehearsing to keep the show number one in the ratings year after year.
Cassi stands and motions for me to follow her, "I think you're really going to like them. You've heard of Teagan. Then there's Britt, her best friend and social media manager of the team, who happens to be in a relationship with all three of Teagan's triplet brothers, who also play for the Norse. Then there's Gemma—she's one of the ice girls, or Valkyrie as we call them. She's dating the three owners of the hockey team, and one of them happens to be Teagan's uncle."
"Wow, they certainly like to keep it in the family."
"That they do." Cassi laughs, "It also makes it easier for everyone to get along—less drama."
This is going to be better than I expected. It seems the whole team is into sharing. "What about you? Do you have your own trio of men hidden away somewhere?" Cassi's smile fades for a split second at my words before being replaced by a slight frown.
"Nope, not me. I don't need a man or men to take care of me—I have all I can handle with my trusty triple-headed vibrator." She opens her office door. "It doesn't talk back to me, and it's always there when I need it as long as I keep it charged."
I nod, unable to think of anything to add to the conversation. It's a shame Cassi doesn't have anyone special in her life. I'd guess her to be in her late twenties or early thirties—still young enough to have a little fun in life with something other than a lump of plastic, even if it does have three stimulating heads.
"I'll text you Teagan's address, and we can talk more tomorrow night," Cassi says, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"That sounds good. I'll see you then." I leave her office with a big smile—I can't believe this is happening. Bad girl reputation, here I come.
There's something familiar about the woman talking to Cassi, but I can't quite put my finger on it. She doesn't look like a normal hockey fan, even if she is wearing a jersey with Teagan's name and number on it.
"Billings! Are you listening to me?" I snap my head back to Coach Davis not realizing my eyes had been following Cassi and the mystery woman as they walk arm and arm down the tunnel.
"Sorry, Coach," I mumble, causing Caspian and Holden to snicker beside me.
"Like you two are any better." Coach spits out. "If it were up to me, I'd be sending you three ass hats to Iowa instead of Marks, Andrews, and Gibson." Coach grumbles as he walks back to the rest of the team, sitting on the bench waiting for his direction now that he's done bitching at the three of us.
Damn, the rumor is true—Coach is sending them to a goat farm in Iowa to play for his sons' team, the Iowa Poseidon. Coach Davis has three sons who have all followed him in their love of hockey. Although they may not have played many years in the pros, they are up-and-coming coaches in the hockey world.
It's nice to see a family that actually likes each other, unlike my own, who can't stand to be in the same room together. Something the tabloids have a field day with—a world-famous hockey family whose never-ending feud continues.
If my older brother Brock wasn't such a dick, my family might actually get along, but he's caused such a rift I haven't seen or talked to anyone in my family for years. The only time I see Brock is when our teams play each other, which is rare but more often than I would like.