"Damn, straight he is." We all jump at the sound of Colt's voice.

Gemma bursts out of Heidi's embrace into the waiting arms of her three boyfriends, "It isn't me in that video, I swear."

"We know, baby. Let's get you home." Colt picks Gemma up and carries her bridal style out of the building, with Beck and Jensen each holding one of her hands. The emotion radiating off the four of them is so raw I have to turn away and wipe a tear from my suddenly damp eyes.

"They are so cute together. I wish I had that kind of love in my life." Heidi gushes, her eyes straying to the referee lounge door.

"Don't worry, squirt, you will someday." Teagan nudges Heidi, making her laugh. "Now that Gemma is safely out of the arena, let's go over our plan."

We spend the next five minutes quickly reviewing the plan until Teagan has to return to the ice for the third period, and Heidi has to return to her cheering section.

I pace the hallway just as Barnett, Caspian, and Holden jog toward me—as well as anyone can jog in ice skates. "Hadley, we want to tell you something," Holden begins. There's a video…"

I hold up my hand to stop him, "Teagan told me all about the video—I actually saw it. I know it's me in the video from the restaurant with the three of you and not Gemma."

A look of relief washes over them, "I wanted to tell you, but I didn't think Brock would actually go through with his threat to destroy me and those around me." Barnett laces his fingers through mine. "There's something else we want to talk to you about."

This time, panic begins to start. Are they in trouble with their coach over the video? Will they be kicked off the team? I can't let that happen. I need to end this before I ruin their careers, "Let me talk first. Please." I blink back the tears. "I wanted to thank you for helping me shed my good girl image—I mean, nothing says bad girl like a sex tape." My attempted joke lands flat as they remain silent. "It was fun while it lasted, but I think it's time we all move on." I bow my head, letting the tears stream down my face at the thought of losing them.

Holden tips my face up to meet his gaze, "We're never moving on from you."

"Holden's right—the only way we'll ever give you up is if you really don't want us anymore." Caspian kisses my damp cheek.

"You belong to us as much as we belong to you." Barnett squeezes my hand. "This might have started as a fake relationship, but it's turned into so much more."

"We love you, Hadley." They say at the same time, which should seem creepy, but it's actually amazing to hear them say they love me at the same time.

"I love you guys too—so, so, much." My eyes shift to each one of them as I say the words. Each one taking a turn kissing me. "Now go out there and win the game so we can end this with Brock."

They smile and nod, letting me know this might be the end for Brock, but it's just the beginning for the four of us.

I take a deep breath and blow it out before I address the media after the game. The Norse beat the Freeze four to one in a shocking come-from-behind victory in the third period. But the come-from-behind victory wasn't the most shocking thing that happened in the arena today.

Brock was arrested and handcuffed as soon as he reached the locker room after the game. The only thing the police let him remove was his ice skates since they were considered a deadly weapon. Showing him more kindness than he deserved, Cassi let the police take him out a side door away from the fans and reporters.

"Thank you, ladies and gentlemen of the press. As I'm sure most of you have seen, a recently released video involving some team members of the Minnesota Norse and one of the ice girls in a compromising position. I bet you are wondering why I'm the one giving this detailed report." I pause as the reporters nod. "The three men in the video are my boyfriends and me, not the ice girl."

The reporters throw question after question at me. I lift a hand in the air, trying to stop their questions, "Let me finish—then I'd be happy to answer all your questions." I take a deep breath and glance to my right, where Holden, Caspian, and Barnett silently encourage me to go on. "Mr. Brock Billings from the Indiana Freeze obtained the video from a former ice girl who was let go by the team and is now working at the restaurant where the incident occurred. The video was filmed without our knowledge or consent—charges will be brought against this individual. As for Mr. Brock Billings, he will also be charged with distributing revenge porn. By doctoring the video to show his ex-girlfriend in a sexually explicit manner that was not true or consented to is a felony."

The reporters' shocked gasps echo through the arena. It's not every day that a semi-famous person like Brock Billings is charged with such a crime.

"I'll open the floor to questions," I say as Barnett, Caspian, and Holden form a half circle around me, showing the world their support.

When Teagan first told me about the video, I was shocked and angry to learn that someone had recorded such an intimate moment in my life. I'm tired of always being in the spotlight—always having to watch everything I say and do.

Now, knowing that Holden, Caspian, and Barnett love me and want a real relationship with me, it may be time to retire from the entertainment business entirely and enjoy a quiet life with my men. It's not like I can't afford it—I made five million dollars per episode on my sitcoms, and now, with the re-run royalties, I make around five million dollars a month since my sitcoms can be seen in every state and almost every country daily. We could easily live off my royalties alone.

It's definitely something to talk about once all this dies down. A life on the road or a life with the men I love—there's no decision.


Five Years Later

"Which one of you let the girls watch re-runs of my shows?" I place my hands on my hips, my seven-month-pregnant belly protruding with our next child, and scowl at my husbands.

The logical answer would be Barnett since he knows all of my lines by heart, but my instinct is telling me Caspian, even though now that I look closely, Holden looks guilty as the three of them sit on the couch playing the latest college football video game.

We decided to wait until the girls were a little bit older before we introduced them to that side of my life, but now our four-year-old twins are running through the house quoting my catchphrase and every other line from my sitcoms.