I growled, ‘Why do you think she was wearing a jumper to cover her arse?’

He pressed his lips together but said nothing.

‘And yet you sexualise her anyway,’ I spat.

‘Will,’ Jason intervened, grabbing my shoulder. ‘Calm down.’

‘Sorry,’ the lad murmured. ‘I meant no disrespect.’

‘Try thinking next time, yeah? With something other than your cock.’ I turned away from him and grabbed my bag. ‘I’m finished,’ I said to Jason. ‘I’ll wait outside.’ Giving the lad a final glare, I headed out.

I was surprised to find Cara there, leaning against a wall with her phone in her hand. In my experience, women tended to be slower than us when it came to changing and getting ready, but I supposed this was just yet another rule she was an exception to.

I knew I owed her an apology, so I drew in a steadying breath before I approached. I had barely managed three paces by the time she noticed me, and the look she gave me told me I wasn’t forgiven yet.

The instant I reached her, I said, ‘I’m sorry about earlier.’

‘You’re honestly such a knob.’ She shoved her phone into the front pocket of her jumper. ‘I’m trying to put it behind me.’

‘Pun intended?’ I joked, hoping to lighten her mood.

She gaped, and soon enough, an incredulous chuckle poured out. ‘Okay, that was funny, but I’m being serious. You’ve got to let me move on.’

I knew she hadn’t meant to injure my feelings by saying that, but she did, nevertheless.

‘I’m having a hard time doing it myself. Perhaps that’s why I keep bringing it up,’ I said frankly.

I thought I detected sympathy in her eyes, and she looked about to say something, but right before she could, Jason interrupted.

‘Fucking hell, Cara,’ he said upon reaching us. ‘I told Will just now that I find you beautiful, and he went and accused me of sexualising you. Do you feel sexualised? Because my conscience is seriously suffering right now, so I’d—’

‘Jason – what?’ She frowned, and I had averted my eyes by the time she searched for them. ‘You call me beautiful every day,’ she said, and I considered that to be valuable information. ‘Of course I don’t think that.’

‘Right, good.’ He huffed with relief. ‘Will got me thinking, you see. Actually, he nearly got into a scuffle with another lad just now, defending you.’

Though my intention hadn’t been to defend solely Cara, but rather women overall, I was grateful he told her that. Perhaps hearing this would make her consider me in a favourable light.

‘He did what?’ Cara asked, astounded. Feeling her eyes on my profile, I looked over to meet them.

‘Yeah.’ Jason nodded. ‘This random guy declared – unsolicited – that he found you hot, and Will lost it. I’m honestly quite proud.’

I knitted my brows. Important details had been left out. I didn’t want Cara to get the impression I was prone to violence either, because I wasn’t.

‘It was the way he said it,’ I defended myself. ‘He sounded primitive. It pissed me off, especially when you’ – I gestured to her – ‘were wearing a jumper to hide your bum. It might as well have been a bloody placard, and he ignored it. I wasn’t looking for a fight – I despise violence. I’d never hit someone first. I merely meant to rebuke him.’

Cara’s deep-blue eyes grew warmer, almost inviting. Seeing it, I forgot everything else. The effect it had on me was far more severe than I had been prepared for. This wasn’t normal, I thought, perplexed.

‘Thanks, Will,’ she said, and I hated the smile she wore. She was supposed to grow weak for me, not the other way around. Yet, when I looked at her, I could sense that my strength was waning.

I gave her a vague nod. Looking between her and Jason, I found my situation quite intolerable. With too many thoughts to sort out, I started toward the exit.

‘I’ll see you later.’

§ § §

There was quite the deluge outside, but I decided to walk home in spite of it, hoping to clear my head. After fifteen minutes, I had got no further with sorting out my thoughts, so, eager for a distraction, I took my phone out of my bag and checked my messages. There was one from Andy and one from my good friend Alexander Winton. The three of us had been a trio ever since primary school, although I supposed Jason was an uncounted member of it as well.

I opened Andy’s first.