‘How shockingly empathic of you.’

‘Besides,’ William said, ‘there’s another girl I haven’t told you about.’

My heart climbed to my throat. Was it yet another girl, or was he referring to me? Panicking, my gaze dashed to the door, and I dared not even breathe for fear of drowning out what would come next.

Would he break his promise?

‘What?’ Jason sounded surprised. ‘Who?’

‘I met her last Friday, at Disrepute. We slept together, but she rejected me the next morning. Said she’s not interested in dating, and I’m still a bit gutted about that, so it wouldn’t be fair to Francesca if I start seeing her when I’m still hung up on someone else.’

My pulse pounded in my throat. Though I hadn’t met him last Friday, but rather the Friday before that, I got the feeling he was referring to me. The similarities were too conspicuous. It couldn’t be yet another girl, could it?

‘Are you being serious?’ Jason asked disbelievingly.


‘But you don’t do one-night stands.’

‘Yeah, well, I made an exception.’

‘Shit. You must have really liked her.’

‘I do.’

‘Damn,’ Jason said, astounded. ‘What’s her name?’


I gasped. Dropping the screwdriver, I sat back on my heels and stared at the door with shock. Had I actually just heard that? He couldn’t genuinely be that affected, could he?

Trying to make sense of it, I considered my own feelings. I had already acknowledged that he had left a lasting impression, but I hadn’t thought I could be guilty of the same. I had thought he was just joking earlier – when he had said he found me ‘riveting’. I hadn’t realised he was being entirely serious.

‘Well, Sandra clearly doesn’t know what she’s turning down,’ Jason said, sounding unimpressed.

‘Yeah, it blows.’

‘Have you tried hunting her down?’

‘I did, but the mission failed. Besides, I think I should respect her decision. All I need is some time to get over it, because she was...Well, let’s just say that I seriously doubt I’ll ever meet someone like her again.’

‘And she rejected you solely on the basis that she’s not interested in dating?’

‘Mainly. She studies medicine in Edinburgh, so there was that issue as well. Apparently, she just didn’t see us working out.’

He was definitely referring to me, and it completely obliterated the disappointment I had experienced earlier.

‘Well, I hope for your sake that she’ll change her mind,’ Jason said, audibly displeased.

‘Same. Anyway, I need to get a move on. It’s getting late, and Vi’s a bitch about tardiness.’

Jason laughed. ‘In general, or specifically when it comes to this sort of appointment?’


‘Well, keep me posted on Sandra, then, yeah?’

‘Sure, but you need to stop living vicariously through me when it comes to women, J. You ought to get your arse on the market.’