My hand was shaking when I put the pen to the dotted line, but it stilled with revived confidence as I began to write my signature. As soon as I finished, he snatched the document away. Air stormed out of my mouth as I embraced my new reality.
I had signed. I was trapped with him now, for three long months.
‘There,’ he said, audibly pleased.
My body was rigid while my eyes followed his. He walked around his desk, where he stored my contract in the top drawer.
‘Now, then.’ He exhaled and slumped down in his chair. Grinning at me, he spread his arms in a jovial manner. ‘Will you have dinner with me today?’
Grinding my teeth, I glared back. ‘Are you taking the piss?’
‘Not at all.’ He chuckled. ‘Seeing as you’ll be stuck with me for the better part of three months, I reckon we should get to know each other better. Dressed, this time.’
There he went again. I would never admit it out loud, but the man had wit. All the same, I didn’t appreciate the reminder it contained this time around. Despairing, I looked away and shook my head.
‘You’re unbelievable. Unless there’s anything else, I’d like to leave now.’
‘It’s a harmless dinner, Cara.’
Nothing involving that man was harmless.
‘See you later,’ I said and opened the door.
‘Tell Jason I miss him, will you? Ask him if I can come over this week.’
‘Ask him yourself,’ I replied without thinking, then I froze.
Jason. I had almost forgotten about him. Thank goodness William had reminded me.
Shutting the door, I turned back around and crossed my arms.
‘Speaking of Jason, I’d rather he didn’t find out about us.’
William’s smile grew cunning. ‘Is that so?’
‘Can you promise you won’t tell him?’
Bringing his pen to his mouth, he chewed at the end of it and studied me for some time. ‘Depends.’
‘William, seriously.’ I was reaching the end of my tether. ‘How do you think he’d react if he found out? He’d be awkward around the both of us to say the least, and I’d like to avoid that. God knows, he might even get angry with me.’
‘Have dinner with me, then. If you do, I won’t tell him.’
I gripped my hips. ‘Are you listening to yourself? You’re abusing your power. This is blackmailing.’
A smug chuckle slipped out of his mouth, irritating me.
‘You know, you really are a right arsehole,’ I said.
He raised a brow. ‘Says the woman who deceives like it’s second nature to her.’
That hurt, especially because it was deserved. I had lied to him when we met, and now I was asking him not to tell Jason about us.
I opened the door, my chest aching. ‘Do what you want, then, but if you have any regard for my feelings, you won’t tell him.’
‘Wait, wait.’ He sighed. ‘I won’t tell him, Cara. I promise.’
I scanned him, unsure if I could trust him. ‘Really?’