‘Where to, Miss?’ she asked.
As I gave her my address, it was tempting to glance through the rear windshield, but I didn’t. A grimace covered my face while I wished William all the best. Right man, wrong time, was what it was. So, in the end, he wasn’t really the right man at all. Had he been, he would have arrived later, when I would be ready to commit to someone.
6 | sounds like your type
During the trip, I opened Olivia’s text.
You alive? x
Just left. Can I call you? x
A moment later, she called.
‘Hi,’ I greeted.
‘How was it?’ Olivia wasn’t beating around the bush.
Heat prickled my cheeks. ‘He was brilliant, all around.’
‘I knew it! You had so much chemistry, Cara. I’ve never seen anything like it. I’m so happy for you.’
‘Yeah, I guess we did,’ I said while studying my nails. Were there remnants of his skin still underneath them? I remembered clawing down his back several times.
‘Did you have sex?’
‘Several times.’
‘Oh my God,’ she said excitedly. ‘How was it?’
‘I don’t even have the words, Livy. He’s...’
‘He’s what?’
‘He’s . . . unsurpassable.’
She inhaled sharply. ‘I bet he is. I’m almost jealous.’
I chuckled.
‘What are you going to do, then? How were things this morning?’
‘They were a bit awkward, mainly because I rejected the chance to see him again.’
She groaned loudly. ‘Cara, why? Why would you do that? If you liked him, why not give him a chance? I seriously don’t think you’ll ever come across a better match in your life.’
I didn’t reply.
‘So you didn’t tell him your name, then?’
‘Gosh. Poor man. Honestly.’
I huffed. ‘Yeah, he was quite remarkable. I wonder if I’ll regret it. Then again, I have enough to worry about as it is, so I’m sure it was for the best.’
‘Just don’t come complaining to me when you end up alone.’
I looked out the window. ‘Well, there’s a difference between being alone and being lonely. I doubt I’ll ever be discontent with being alone. You see, I really enjoy solitude. It’s my best friend. We get on so well.’