Since I was struck by mild shock at his impertinence, I asked, ‘I beg your pardon?’ Then, as soon as it subsided, I snapped back, ‘I was being serious, you utter twat.’
His eyebrows furrowed while he gazed up and down my body – twice. When he met my stare again, a crooked smile crept across his tempting mouth. From the way his eyes had devoured my body, I eliminated the option of him being homosexual. Only a straight man could regard me with such a gleam in his eye.
‘Perhaps we’ve slept together,’ he said. ‘But if we have, you weren’t worth remembering.’
I gasped. What a complete arsehole!
To think he had piqued my interest earlier...What an insolent way to treat another human being. His arrogance was off the charts. Who did he think he was? So yes, I had interrupted them, but there was a polite way to reject me. There was no need to step on my dignity.
Rigid, my stare transformed into a pure glower. ‘As if I’d ever get so lost and desperate that I would wind up in a bed with you. You’re a sorry excuse for a man. Tell me, was it the lack of your mother’s affection that made you grow up to treat random women like shit?’
He blinked at my ruthless insult, perhaps a little gobsmacked. Beside me, his companion burst into laughter. Olivia’s existence was lost on me, but, knowing her, she was probably a breath away from withering.
‘I can assure you that my mother and I are on good terms,’ came the handsome man’s calm reply.
I folded my arms and scoffed. ‘Too good, I wager. Heading home to spend the night in her bed, then? That why you’re not interested?’
Olivia gasped and clasped my hand. Observing their shocked facial expressions, she said, ‘Please excuse us.’
‘Excuse us?’ I echoed disbelievingly as she tugged me away from them. ‘Didn’t you hear him just now? How bloody rude he was?’
‘I thought you said you could handle rejection,’ she retorted.
I flushed with a blend of anger and embarrassment. ‘I can, but that was being unnecessarily mean!’
‘Well, choose your battles, then! He’s obviously not worth our attention.’
A valid point. I tried to simmer down, but it was difficult. Looking at Olivia, I saw that she was trembling with irritation. She was clearly rattled, just like the two men. Well, that was something I quite excelled at – rattling people. It was definitely a flaw, but then everyone had flaws, I consoled myself.
Olivia steered me down onto the settee again and dumped her body next to mine. Folding her arms, she glared away from me. ‘Cara, honestly! “Have we met before?” What was that?’
My lips protruded. ‘I’m sorry,’ I said, hoping to reconcile. ‘I honestly thought I’d seen him before. Worst part is that I still think I have.’
She frowned and stole a glance at the men. Mirroring her, I saw that they were laughing, clearly at my expense. Well, they could laugh all they wanted. Personally, the only thing I found laughable was how attractive I had initially found them to be. Instead, they were ugly people with nasty tendencies. Looks could be so deceiving.
Olivia faced me with a puzzled expression. ‘Yeah, you know, now that you mention it, he does look a bit familiar.’
Where had we seen him, then?
I sighed, wondering if the encounter with them had ruined my chance for a pleasant night. ‘Well, whatever. Order us a round, please, would you? Strongest cocktail they’ve got.’
Olivia’s subsequent chuckle assured me that I was already forgiven. ‘Sure.’
I watched her graceful gait as she returned to the bar like she hadn’t a concern in the world. Olivia had always been great at rising above things. Less could be said for myself. I had much to learn from her in that regard.
The dark-haired man turned his head toward Olivia. It was obvious from how consciously he regarded her that he desired her attention. But, with her chin raised high and her gaze fixed straight ahead, Olivia refused to acknowledge him. The satisfying view made my lips twitch into a devilish grin.
If only Jason had been here. Right about now, he would have laughed his lungs out and patted my back repeatedly, but he’d had coursework to do, which I had respected. Nevertheless, I could have used his moral support, so I decided to send him a text.
You didn’t warn me about dickheads when you told me about this place x
Thought that was a given? You wanted a place with lawyers. You can’t have one without the other x