Page 170 of When The Night Falls

A bag dropped on the floor, and a loud, disembodied sigh followed.

‘I’m ordering pizza for us. What would you like?’

‘Diavola,’ Aaron said quietly, and I squirmed at the sound of his voice.

Tyler’s eyes flickered to mine when Aaron echoed my order. ‘Right. Well, it should arrive in about thirty minutes. I’ll leave you two alone in the meantime.’

He went into his room and shut the door.

My throat tightened as I heard Aaron’s feet travelling toward me. When he arrived in the doorway, my heart twitched with anxiety.

‘Hi,’ I said in a quiet voice.

His gaze eluded mine as he walked in and slumped down in the black armchair opposite the sofa. I studied him intently, trying to gauge his mood. He still seemed angry, and it only made me more nervous.

‘How was work?’ I asked, unsure of where to start.

He raised a brow as he looked out the window behind me. ‘Fine. Why are you here, Cara?’

I swallowed. ‘Well, you’ve been dead silent ever since Saturday, and you left me on read after I texted you last night. It’s not like you.’

His jaw flexed, but he didn’t say anything.

‘Listen, I know I messed up, but you know I didn’t mean for that to happen. I didn’t know he was going to be there, and—’

‘Yes, I know that,’ he interrupted and finally met my eyes. His stare was hard and bitter, and it sent a torrent of panic through me. I had never seen him like this.

‘Th-then what’s the problem?’ My pulse pounded in my throat while I fidgeted with my fingers on my lap. I was so anxious that I felt like I was about to vomit pure emotion.

‘I don’t know. I’m still trying to figure it out,’ he said, his eyes darting away again.

My stomach sank while my chest filled with tension. It was difficult to breathe normally. I could feel him withdrawing, and I hated it.

‘You’re still trying to figure out why you’re angry with me? You don’t know?’

Annoyance twisted his features, but he didn’t answer.

‘I don’t get it,’ I said, and I couldn’t help the frustration that permeated my tone. ‘I know it was awful how you found out, but I really didn’t mean for it to happen that way. I had planned to tell you once we got home, but I thought we’d be alone. I wasn’t aware that William—’

‘Cara, it’s not that! It’s the fact that you’ve fucked him that’s bothering me!’

His brutal tone struck me like a cannonball to the chest, making me jerk into the back of my seat. Staring at him, I could feel the colour draining from my face.

‘Because it’s him?’ I asked quietly.

He leaned forward and rubbed his face ‘Yes. No. I don’t know.’

What did he mean he didn’t know?

‘Aaron, we had an open arrangement.’

‘Yes, I know that.’ His eyebrows knitted and he shook his head. ‘And that’s why I find this so hard to deal with, because I know my anger isn’t justified.’

I didn’t know what to say to that.

‘Cara, was he the guy you mentioned?’ he asked then. ‘That man who wanted you to give him a chance a while back?’

I hesitated, my throat feeling tight. ‘Yes.’