William chuckled. ‘I disagree. You’re honestly doing her a favour.’

‘But what if I’m not? What if Andy rejects her and she ends up alone tonight?’

From the wrinkles that formed across his nose, I got the impression he could understand where I was coming from but, for selfish reasons, felt disinclined to oblige.

When he didn’t reply, I withdrew my hand from his grasp. ‘You said yourself that you expect Andy will get back with his girlfriend. Don’t you think he’ll reject Livy because of that? He’s probably not ready to sleep with anybody else, especially so soon after spending an entire decade with his ex.’

A sigh poured from William’s mouth and his shoulders sank. He studied me for a while.

‘I’m tempted to lie because I’d like to be alone with you,’ he confessed. ‘But, at the same time, I wouldn’t want it to bite me in the arse later on, so I’ll be honest. Andy’s unlikely to sleep with your friend. He’s still in shambles over Chloe.’

I huffed. ‘Right. Well, then...’ I dropped my gaze to my feet. Had we really met our end already? It seemed so abrupt. ‘It’s just, I’d like to be alone with you too, but I don’t think it’s right to—’

‘I get it,’ he said. ‘You’re a good friend. I’d have done the same.’

I looked at him, my lips protruding. Since I was unsure about how to proceed, I resorted to admiring how beautiful he was. I could hardly believe I was about to turn him down. Then again, for the sake of friendship, there were few sacrifices I was unwilling to make.

‘I’ll walk you back,’ he said after a short silence.

‘That’s not necessary.’

‘I insist. London’s not safe at night, especially for women like yourself.’

An idea occurred to me then. ‘You know what?’ Reaching into my purse, I fished for my phone. ‘I could always just call her.’

‘A perk of the twenty-first century,’ William joked and earned himself a smile.

I hurried to locate Olivia’s number. While she was slow to pick up, at least she did.

‘Hello? Is everything all right?’ she asked.

‘Hi, yes. Don’t worry. Quick question, though.’

‘Yes? Did you forget to bring condoms?’

‘What? No.’ I frowned. ‘Listen, are you absolutely sure you won’t mind if I—’

‘Oh, for heaven’s sake. We’ve already been over this.’ I could hear her eyes roll.

‘It’s just that—’

‘Are you still with him?’


‘Then don’t keep the poor man waiting!’

‘But Livy, there’s something you ought to know first.’


‘I don’t think Andy’s interested in the same as you.’

She was quiet for a beat. Then I heard her murmur to somebody, ‘I’m so sorry. Please excuse me for a minute.’

A few seconds of silence elapsed before her voice returned.

‘Hello, Cara?’