When I came out I leaned against the wall. I was so drunk, and the thought of having to find Ellie again made me want to go home.
While standing there, I got the eerie feeling that I was being watched. I scanned the crowd, but I didn’t register any familiar gazes.
Suddenly I saw Brian’s friend – the one I had been dancing with – and the sight of him was like a light at the end of the tunnel. He was walking out of the men’s room. Maybe he had some idea of where the others were.
Our eyes locked, and the smile that caught his mouth was infectious. The music was quieter here, so when he said, ‘Hey, there. Cara, was it?’ I could actually hear him.
He came over, but when he put his hands against the wall on either side of my head, my smile faded. I froze in place, feeling intimidated.
‘Well, then, Cara. How are you?’
‘Quite drunk,’ I said as I gazed into his dark eyes. His brown hair was longer than that of the average man, and, like Will, he had symmetrical features and neatly groomed stubble.
‘Well, you’re not alone.’ Smirking, he lowered his head, his lips drawing closer and closer to my own.
I turned my head. My gut twisted with discomfort. This didn’t feel right. I didn’t want this.
‘Oh, come on, love. Just a peck. I swear you won’t regret it.’ He clasped my jaw and turned my face toward him. Putting my hands on his chest, I wriggled against his hold.
‘N-no.’ I tried to push him away and was just about to thrust my knee into his balls when big, familiar hands gripped his shoulders. A split second later, William dragged him off me with violent force. He was fuming, his eyes ablaze as he glowered at Brian’s friend, who had fallen to the floor.
Leaning down, William gripped his collar and held it firmly, pulling him up somewhat. ‘Touch her again and I swear I’ll rearrange your fucking face!’ he hissed and let go with a shove, causing Brian’s friend to slam into the ground again. ‘She’s made it abundantly clear she doesn’t want you.’
William moved to stand in front of me. Peeking past his strong right arm, I saw Brian’s friend scramble to his feet and leap into the crowd. A few people stared at us while William glared after him.
When he turned toward me, his eyes immediately softened. ‘Are you all right?’
I swallowed, overcome with lust. I wanted him so badly.
The waves of his hair cradled his ears, and the bigger wave above his forehead made me raise my hands to run my fingers through it. My breath hitched at the feel of it. It was exactly how I remembered – thick, but velvety soft. With wonder in my eyes, I gazed up at him, captivated by his beauty.
‘I’m sorry we lost you,’ I said and dragged my hands to the nape of his neck to play with the strands there.
‘That’s not what I asked,’ he said and lowered his head somewhat. I could smell the alcohol on his breath; he was intoxicated as well.
He stared into my eyes, intensely, and it made my chest flutter. Merely by looking at me, he made me feel more alive than I ever had. Caught under his influence, I bucked my hips forward, wanting to be closer to him.
His lips formed a brooding line as he locked his arms around my waist and pressed me against him.
‘Cara, say something. Tell me you’re all right.’ He sounded unbearably sensual when he used that tone. I had never heard a voice more inviting in my life. I knew he was merely speaking to me, but I could have sworn he was singing, luring me to my doom.
‘I’m fine.’ It was almost a whisper.
He grimaced. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t intervene sooner. At first I thought...’
My eyebrows curved with surprise. ‘You were watching me?’
He nodded vaguely. ‘I thought you wanted him at first. I saw you dancing earlier.’
‘You did? Why didn’t you come over?’
‘I wanted to, but . . . I wasn’t sure you’d appreciate it.’
I frowned. ‘That didn’t stop you earlier tonight.’
‘I know, but that wasn’t right of me. I didn’t want to repeat my mistake, so I left you alone. I have no right to interfere like that, and you looked like you were enjoying yourself.’ Averting his eyes, he turned his profile to me, and he looked a bit sad. ‘Frankly, I...I gave up for a moment.’