He waved a hand in the air. ‘She came to ask me for a second chance.’
Several seconds elapsed while I tried to make sense of the facts. ‘But her hair,’ I said in my confusion. ‘The window, your lips...’
Surprise flashed across his face. ‘You surely noticed a lot.’
‘I...’ The more I remembered the scene, the more severe my confusion became. ‘But you even asked me to bring my laptop with me, and the way you said it...’
He regarded me with patience. ‘I asked you to bring your laptop with you because I wasn’t sure what to expect. She cried a lot when I ended things with her, so I wanted to make sure that you’d be able to keep working if she needed some time to collect herself.’ He raised a hand and scratched his cheek. ‘As for my lips...’ He gazed away and shook his head. ‘Well, she kissed me right before she left, and quite fervently at that. It made me feel a bit queasy, so I opened a window for some fresh air.’
A new wave of colour flooded my face. I was mortified. ‘I...I’m so sorry.’
Grimacing, I averted my eyes and scolded myself for having been so bold as to accuse my boss, however indirectly, of something so outrageous without any firm evidence whatsoever. What had got into me?
‘Please, forgive me. I don’t know what came over me. I...’ I hugged myself tighter and dropped my gaze to the floor. ‘It won’t happen again.’
‘It’s all right.’
I looked up, hot with shame. ‘I really am so sorry.’
‘Don’t worry about it. I get why you’d assume that.’ He nodded. ‘And I also understand why you were reluctant to bring it up with me. Though, for next time, please just tell me straight away.’
‘I will.’ I nodded vehemently.
We were quiet for some time before a sigh travelled out of his mouth. ‘Well, you’re free to go,’ he said and opened the door for me, but I didn’t move. I stood glued to the ground, wondering if I could find the courage to ask him why he had ended things with Francesca.
Frowning, he scanned my body and slowly closed the door again. ‘Is there something else?’
I swallowed and avoided his gaze.
Just do it, I told myself. Otherwise I’ll go mad wondering about it.
‘Why did you end things with her?’ I asked and bravely met his eyes.
He studied me, his jaw flexing. ‘I really shouldn’t be answering that.’
My eyebrows curved. ‘Why not?’
‘Because it’s inappropriate.’
‘The question? Or the answer?’
He knitted his brows. ‘This whole conversation.’
I fell silent. I knew he was right – I was being extremely unprofessional – but I couldn’t help my curiosity.
After some time, he sighed again. ‘You really want to know, don’t you?’
‘Yes,’ I admitted shamefacedly.
He blew his cheeks out. ‘Fine, I’ll tell you.’ After a beat, he added, ‘But only if you promise that you won’t hold it against me.’
I locked eyes with him then, my whole body tingling with anticipation.
‘I won’t.’
Clenching his teeth, he gazed away and remained quiet for some time.