Page 112 of When The Night Falls

‘Thanks, darling.’ Jason smiled and went to the kitchen counter to toast some bread.

‘Did you wake up by yourself today? I was going to wake you in a minute.’ I turned in my chair and stared at his naked back. Like his brother, he was athletically built and very tall, with defined muscles that merited admiration.

‘No, I was woken by the sound of your sexual moans arriving from the shower,’ he said without looking at me.

My face paled. ‘Oh,’ I squeaked. ‘Sorry.’

‘Was weirdly erotic. I almost got a boner, but then I remembered that you’re basically my sister, so it’s all flaccid.’

Aaron guffawed while I sagged into my seat, mortified.

§ § §

Aaron got ready to leave before me, seeing as his workplace was further away. As I was seeing him out, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. Descending onto my mouth, I felt him smiling against my lips. It was a sweet kiss, and it was likely to assist me through the day.

When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against mine and said with affection, ‘Have a nice day at work, love.’

I grinned. ‘You too.’

Leaning back, he called, ‘Bye, Jason. Have a great day, yeah?’

‘You too,’ Jason replied from a closer distance than I had expected. Sure enough, once I had shut the door after Aaron, I turned to discover that he had been peeking at us from around the corner.

‘Pervert,’ I said.

Laughing, he walked into full view. ‘Honestly, I’m only fascinated. How the hell have you managed to keep your feelings in check for three bloody years? You look like a couple! If I hadn’t seen it for myself, I would never have believed it was possible.’

I shrugged. ‘Well, aside from you and Livy, he’s my best friend. I don’t know how to explain it. It’

‘I’m genuinely amazed. Where do I get one?’

I giggled and shook my head. ‘I’d start by breaking up with your hand maybe.’


18 | dawn

‘I’m going to take you now,’ William warned, his warm breath spreading across my kiss-swollen lips. ‘And I assure you, love, you’ll be feeling me for a week.’ A lecherous smile emerged on his mouth before he claimed mine. Powerfully seductive, he dominated me completely through a mere kiss.

I inhaled sharply, my chest tingling. My pounding heart was on the verge of bursting with excitement. Finally I would feel him enter me again, thrusting in to reach a depth no other man had. I had longed to feel him buried inside me for months now, and with each day that had gone by, my lust for him had grown more extreme.

He pushed in, his gaze searing while he elicited a long moan of pleasure from my mouth. I clawed his muscular back, my face contorting at the unmistakable sensation. God, he felt good, and he stretched me so far. Closing my eyes, I savoured how complete I felt. Caged beneath his strong, naked body, I marvelled. How had I ended up here again?

The same moment I thought it, I realised I was dreaming. I awoke with a gasp, my eyes opening. Rolling sideways, I propped myself on my forearm and grabbed my phone from the nightstand to check the time. It was six in the morning – too early to wake up, but too late to go back to sleep.

Groaning, I put it back and noticed how soaked I was. My juices covered the better part of my inner thighs, deriving from the cleft above which still throbbed and tingled from the illusion of William’s touch. Clearly, they were called ‘wet dreams’ for a reason, but waking up from one starring none other than my boss was not an ideal way to start my day. What made it worse was that it was easily one of the most fantastic sex dreams I had ever had, and he hadn’t even made me orgasm. Though, last week, he had managed to on several occasions, albeit in my dreams and fantasies of him.

This was getting out of hand. Not even during sleep did I manage to escape my lust for him. He was driving me mad. The past three nights, he had been present in all my dreams. My subconscious clearly refused to let him go, regardless of how much I wanted it to.

In an attempt to exorcise him from my mind, I had even gone so far as to masturbate to the thought of him, but it hadn’t helped. All it had done was reinforce my lust for him. Sleeping with Aaron yesterday hadn’t helped either. I had been distracted under his touch, comparing it to my memory of William’s, which had ultimately led Aaron’s to lose its impact. I hadn’t even been able to reach orgasm – I’d had to fake it – which was surely a first for me. In the three years I had slept with Aaron, I had never been unable to climax – until now.

It infuriated me. William had clearly moved on, so why couldn’t I? Why had my body latched on to the memory of him like this?

A few tearless sobs escaped while I rubbed my face. Pushing my duvet aside, I climbed out of bed and mentally prepared myself for another intense day under his spellbinding stare. I was still dazed by my erotic dream, so I showered for longer than usual, hoping the hot stream of water would cleanse my mind, too, and wash away my lust for William.

When I finished, I walked dispiritedly out of the glass cage and wiped a line of condensation off the bathroom mirror. Leaning toward my reflection, I saw how discouraged I looked. My freckles were fainter than usual, and purple bags had gathered under my eyes.

I watched as a frown surfaced. ‘Stop thinking of him, Cara. He’s your goddamned boss,’ I scolded and opened the middle drawer beneath the basin to fetch my make-up kit.