‘Yeah, sorry. I just spoke to Mum, and she asked whether you’d like to come for dinner next Friday.’
‘Oh, that’s great. Tell her I’d love to.’
‘I’ll ask Livy and Tyler if they’d like to come too.’ Tyler was Aaron’s flatmate of five years.
‘How’s the wardrobe coming along?’
I looked at it and wrinkled my nose. ‘Well, it’s not done yet, but I plan to finish it tonight.’
‘I could always come over and help you if you like.’
‘I appreciate that, but I’m all right.’
‘Well, feel free to call me if you change your mind.’
‘I doubt I will, but thanks.’
‘I’ll tell Mum we’re coming next Friday, then.’
‘Don’t stay up too late.’
‘I won’t.’
‘Good night, love.’
‘Good night.’
I rang off and huffed. Part of me wanted to hang out with Jason and William for a while longer, but seeing my unfinished project had reminded me that I still had exams coming up that needed my attention; I needed my desk for revising.
I went back to the dining room to let them know.
‘I need to get back to my project,’ I said and grabbed my plate.
‘No worries.’ Jason nodded. ‘Aaron all right?’
‘Well,’ William said, ‘we should do this again sometime.’ He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
‘We should.’ I reciprocated his smile. ‘You’re lovely company.’
His eyes widened slightly, as if he hadn’t expected me to say that. ‘So are you.’
I turned around to leave, and I felt his eyes on my back as I walked out.
Though I wasn’t usually one to eavesdrop, I kept my bedroom door slightly ajar so I could overhear their conversation. I couldn’t help myself; William piqued my curiosity like no one else. For the most part, it wasn’t that rewarding since they mainly discussed football and work, but when the time was nearing eleven o’clock, it took a different turn.
‘I should probably think about leaving soon,’ William said.
‘You heading to Violet?’ Jason asked, and I didn’t like the way my heart reacted. It clenched and twisted before it sank in my chest. Given what time it was, it was likely Jason had referred to a woman who played a particular role in William’s life – a sexual role.
The name echoed in my mind. Violet. I vividly remembered a beauty named Violet at his workplace. I had encountered her in the lift with William just when I had been about to leave after signing my contract. He had said then that she was his partner for a transaction he was currently working on. Was she his partner on other fronts as well? Was she the regular bed partner he had mentioned?