‘Is she?’ He sounded pleasantly surprised. ‘What’s her name?’

‘Lillian. She inspired my sister, actually.’

‘You’ve got a sister?’

‘Yeah. Phoebe.’

‘Is she younger or older?’

‘Younger. She studies business at Columbia in New York.’

‘Your parents have made some clever children, I hear.’

I chuckled. ‘I could say the same to you.’

‘Mine failed with one out of two,’ he said and looked at Jason.

Jason merely showed him the middle finger.

‘Anyway, how does Phoebe like New York?’ William asked as he brought a few pieces of sushi onto his plate.

‘She loves it.’ I sighed.

He tilted his head. ‘Why the sigh?’

I shrugged. ‘She’s got a girlfriend there, so sometimes I worry she won’t move back.’

‘I see. Well, I can’t say I blame her – New York is fantastic, and I’m sure her girlfriend is too – but I hope for your sake that she will.’

I nodded.

‘What about your father? What does he do?’

I peeked at Jason, fearful that he might find William’s curiosity a little conspicuous, but he didn’t seem remotely suspicious.

‘Jamie is a sixth form philosophy teacher,’ Jason said as he helped himself to some sushi. ‘Lovely man.’

‘Really? I love philosophy.’ William smiled.

I wasn’t surprised to discover that. He had given me the impression he was learned on the subject the night we’d met. But I smiled back all the same.

‘Do you?’

He dipped a piece of sushi in his soy sauce. ‘Yeah. I read plenty of books on it in my spare time. Nietzsche is one of my favourites.’

‘Ah.’ I crossed my arms, amused. ‘I haven’t read Nietzsche.’

‘You should. It’s hard, but it’s seriously rewarding.’

‘Dad says the same.’

‘He’s probably read all his works.’ He filled his mouth. After swallowing, he went on, ‘I’m reading him chronologically. I just finished Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Plan is to start Beyond Good and Evil this summer.’

Suddenly my phone rang on the table. Eyeing the screen, I saw that it was Aaron. My heart jammed in my throat and I tensed. When I looked up, both Jason and William were peeking at my screen. It took all my self-discipline to raise my hand as if I wasn’t fazed and press the lock button to silence the ringing. I knew I had mentioned Aaron’s name to William, but I hoped he didn’t remember.

‘Is Aaron coming over tonight?’ Jason asked as he raised a piece of sushi to his mouth.

I stole a glance at William, but he wasn’t looking at me. Instead, he seemed strangely fascinated with his plate.