He didn’t look convinced. ‘If that were true, you’d stay the night.’

My shoulders sank. ‘That’s not fair.’

He sighed. ‘Maybe.’

Pushing himself up, he climbed out of the bed and reached for his boxers on the floor. ‘Mum was wondering if you’d like to come for dinner on Sunday.’

It had been over a month since I last saw his mother Mary-Anne, so I was slightly disappointed that I would have to decline. Mary-Anne was one of few role models in my life – I admired her resilience as well as her strength – so I adored spending time with her.

I had met her for the first time over dinner two years ago, and I had learned then that Aaron’s father had been both an alcoholic and an incorrigible gambler, so Mary-Anne had eventually been forced to leave him when Aaron was only four. He hadn’t been present in Aaron’s life since then, but I was vaguely aware that he had taken out substantial loans during their marriage to settle his gambling debt, and that he had also spent a considerable amount of the sum that Mary-Anne had set aside to finance Aaron’s eventual education on his troublesome habits.

With barely a penny to her name, Mary-Anne had raised Aaron to be the exemplary man he was today. Through hard work as a waitress, she had given him the most comfortable life she could. Her story inspired me, and so did her character. In fact, upon meeting her, I had quickly realised where Aaron had inherited his patient and constructive nature from, although Mary-Anne was slightly more forthright than her son.

As I pulled on the black, low-denier stockings that I had worn under my grey pencil skirt, I cast Aaron a glance. ‘I’d love to, but Jason’s parents have already invited me for dinner that day. If she’s got time next week, tell her I’d love to come then instead.’

‘Right, I’d forgotten that. I’ll ask her.’


He pulled on his boxers and sat down on the bed. Reclining onto his forearms, he watched me get dressed.

‘So I won’t be seeing you anytime soon, then, now that you’ll be revising at home.’

‘Jason’s working on Monday. His shift starts at two, so you could always come over and revise at my place then.’

He nodded. ‘I’d like that.’

‘Mind if I invite Livy?’

‘Not at all.’

‘Shall I invite Cassie as well?’ My tone was playful, but truthfully, I asked because I wanted to check if I was on the brink of losing him to her.

‘Don’t be a tit.’ He rolled his eyes, and that was all the reassurance I needed.

§ § §

With a screw in my mouth, I was sitting within the frame of my new wardrobe, listening to Foals, when I heard a key being inserted into the front door. Frowning, I put the manual screwdriver aside. Was it half-past eight already? Reaching for my phone, I saw that it was only eight.

Leaving the screw on the floor, I called, ‘Hiya. You’re home early.’ I stood up. ‘How was work? I’d planned to cook dinner for you, but I started assembling the wardrobe that I ordered from IKEA,’ I said as I walked toward my bedroom door. ‘So I thought we could just order something since—’ I gasped when I turned toward the front door. It wasn’t Jason.

‘What are you doing here?’ I asked, my heart pounding. Heat flooded my face, and I dared not imagine its new colour. Adrenaline heightened my senses, making me hyperaware of his presence.

William was the last person I had expected to see, so I hadn’t been remotely prepared to endure the power he exuded, nor had I been prepared to regard the gorgeous view of him.

It really wasn’t fair that anyone should be so attractive, especially when considering our circumstances. In his navy suit, he looked nothing short of edible. To think I had seen him stripped of it, naked in all his glory – I could hardly believe it.

All at once, the anxiety I had managed to overcome since Monday recovered in full.

A crooked smile of amusement emerged on William’s mouth, and the sight evoked the memory of how lovely it had felt to kiss those lips.

‘I’m thrilled to see you too, Cara. I’ve missed you.’

I hadn’t thought my cheeks could become any hotter, but he proved me wrong.

‘Work was fine, thanks for asking,’ he went on. ‘And don’t worry about dinner. I’m charmed you planned to cook for me, though.’

‘You’re such a knob,’ I grumbled, but that only made him laugh.