I would have to call Olivia as soon as I left. She was the sole person I could confide in about this, and I was desperate to talk to someone. I would use her as a soundboard to air my thoughts. Perhaps then, I would be able to make sense of this dreadful mess.
As I went over my contract, I found nothing I would like to discuss. Unsurprisingly, it was faultless. I hadn’t expected any less of a law firm. However, I couldn’t help but read the contract with William’s voice in my head, because I could imagine that he had penned it. Authoritative and impatient, his otherwise sensual voice barked every single word at me. It caused a constant grimace to cover my face as I read through.
Bloody hell, he was everywhere – even in my head. I felt like I was suffocating.
‘Cara,’ he called. That wasn’t where I was in my contract? My head snapped up when I realised he was actually speaking to me. Turning, I discovered him behind me, slightly bent over my shoulder.
I immediately recoiled toward my desk. ‘Shit, you scared me.’
‘Not my fault you’re so oblivious to your surroundings.’
‘I was concentrating.’ My gaze flitted to his brown leather shoes. ‘I hadn’t expected Bigfoot to move so quietly.’
Amusement danced in his eyes before he briefly closed them to refocus.
‘I’ve got ten minutes to spare, should you want to go over your contract now.’
‘I was just finishing.’
‘Then let’s continue in my office.’
A normal person would have said, ‘Right. Shall we continue in my office?’ But of course, he was everything except that.
Ascending from my seat, I collected my contract to heed his command. As I started walking, his hand landed on my back. I immediately stiffened. Did he think I required a compass to find his office?
‘I can walk on my own,’ I muttered.
Devoid of emotion, he quietly said, ‘I’d prefer not to walk behind you. My eyes keep landing on your beautiful bum, and I’d hate to sexualise you like that.’
My cheeks grew hot and red. I charged into his office and watched him shut the door.
‘You can’t speak to me like that,’ I said. ‘I was actually considering signing, but you just reminded me why I shouldn’t.’
‘Calm down.’
I gaped. How could he, as an able lawyer, possibly find his comment justifiable?
‘Calm down? Are you actually telling me to “calm down” when what you just said clearly constitutes sexual harassment under the Equality Act of 2010?’
His eyes widened with shock, and the sound of his sharp inhalation satisfied me deeply.
‘Do you tell Ellie that you prefer not to walk behind her since you’ll sexualise her if you do? As if that’s acceptable behaviour?’
He blew his cheeks out and gripped his hips. ‘No.’ He had the grace to look ashamed of himself. ‘You’re right. It’s completely unacceptable, I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.’
‘It better not.’ I folded my arms.
We stared at each other in silence. Finally, he let out a loud sigh.
‘Honestly, Cara, I truly am sorry. I didn’t mean for it to come across that way. It’s just...Well, there’s really no excuse, but I’ve got my roles a tad confused today. Give me some time to adapt and I promise I’ll do better. Seeing you again wasn’t something I expected, and certainly not here. It’s messed with my head, especially because it’s you. I just need to readjust, to start regarding you as a colleague, rather than as my...’
I could tell he was searching for the appropriate label by his fleeting gaze.
‘One-night stand?’ I filled in.
His eyes shot to mine, and the sudden certainty they contained made it clear that my suggestion hadn’t resonated with him.
‘I was going to say momentary lover.’