‘So you’re not a tea person, then.’
‘No, I like tea now and then. Usually black, though. But I prefer coffee.’
I raised a forkful of scrambled eggs to my mouth. The moment the flavour exploded on my tongue, my eyes widened with disbelief. It tasted precisely like Jason’s, if not even better.
Observing my reaction, William asked, ‘Everything all right?’
I paused chewing and frowned at him. Stowing the eggs in my cheek, I covered my mouth and said, ‘This is delicious. What’s your secret? I’ve never tasted better scrambled eggs in my life.’
A grin formed on his face before he fixed his gaze on his iPad again. ‘I’m glad. It’s my mother’s recipe. If you agree to see me again, perhaps I’ll share it with you.’
My heart sank. It was clear that he was waiting for me to announce my decision, and he wasn’t going to like it. But there was simply too much at stake. I had no guarantee we would turn out to be compatible, and I wasn’t willing to explore the possibility when I already had countless obligations to mind that were crucial for my future.
I put my fork aside and folded my hands on my lap. ‘Will, I’ve already told you, I don’t have the capacity for anything other than a one-night stand, especially now with my exams round the corner.’
His jaw clenched and he locked his iPad. Shoving it away, he faced the windows and stared out at the rooftops of London. ‘And as I’ve said, I’m willing to compromise. Focus on your exams. Once you’re done, let me know.’
Unsure of what to say, I kept looking at him. Eventually his impatience got the better of him and he faced me again.
‘Why won’t you just give me a chance?’ he asked. ‘That’s all I’m asking – a single chance to prove myself worthy of your attention.’
‘I’ve already explained why.’ Groaning, I put my elbows on the island and buried my face in my hands. ‘Is it really so hard for you to understand that I’m just not interested in anything more than this?’
I sighed.
‘And it is,’ he went on, ‘because this sort of chemistry isn’t commonplace, and you’ve admitted that you feel the same way. Otherwise you wouldn’t have called me “boyfriend material”, would you?’
I looked briefly away, regretting that I had been so candid with him last night. I should have kept my mouth shut to make this easier for us both.
A certain lie I had told him marched into my mind then, and I intended to make use of it. Perhaps reminding him would moderate his zeal.
‘Will, I live in Edinburgh. There’s no chance we’d work out.’
He frowned. ‘Don’t be so pessimistic. Edinburgh is just a flight away,’ he argued, shocking me.
I gawked at him. ‘Are you implying that you’d be willing to fly to Edinburgh only to see me again?’
‘Yes. One hundred per cent.’
Stunned, I could only stare at him.
‘I realise how crazy that sounds,’ he said and waved a hand in the air. ‘But what I’m trying to say is that I’d like to keep in touch.’
‘You mean like long-distance dating?’
He shrugged. ‘Why not?’
My heart was hammering like never before. I would never have thought him to be such a romantic. Indeed, what an unbelievably grand, romantic gesture. And the worst part was that he didn’t even know my real name.
Full of guilt, I found myself on the verge of giving him my real identity, but I bit my tongue before I could. He was obviously very interested in me, so giving him that information could make things complicated. He would be able to contact me then, and I didn’t want that. This way, I could ensure a clean break. And, if I changed my mind, I could always seek him out, because I knew where he lived.
He peered at me. When I didn’t say anything, he sighed and gazed out the windows again. ‘I see it as a win-win situation. You said you’re reluctant about dating because you don’t have time for it. Well, I obviously won’t be able to demand much of your time while you’re in Edinburgh. And, like you, I don’t have much time to spare either. I’m an ambitious man, so I spend most hours of the day at work anyway. It would be mutually beneficial. Don’t you see? Our needs are compatible. What’s it going to cost you to keep in touch while you’re in Scotland? I just don’t understand how that’s asking too much.’
After a while, he added, ‘Had you said it’s because you don’t fancy me that way, I’d of course respect it. But that’s not the case, is it?’