Groaning, I turned my head and tucked my face into the palm of my hand. This wasn’t fair. I didn’t deserve this. Why were my willpower and dedication to my studies being put on trial like this?

‘Either way, we’re nowhere near finished,’ he said. Gripping my arm, he dragged me off the table and slipped out of me in the same go.

Towering in front of me, he leaned down and pressed a sweet and extended kiss to my swollen mouth. Then, as suddenly as he had kissed me, he whirled me around and reached for the zip at the back of my dress. As it came undone beneath his skilful fingers, I studied my surroundings. He evidently had excellent and expensive taste. I wasn’t sure I had ever been in a flat with an interior design this elegant. It was dominated by darker shades that gave it a masculine atmosphere, which made me doubt that he had a female housemate – if he had one at all.

On my left, a set of stairs led up to another floor. His penthouse had to be even bigger than I had initially thought. It was a lot of space for just one man.

‘Do you live alone?’ I asked as my dress fell to pool around my ankles.

‘No. My girlfriend will be back tomorrow night.’

My heart faltered. It hadn’t occurred to me to ask whether he was single. I had taken it for granted that he was.

Plagued by dread, I slowly turned my head and looked at him over my shoulder. A sardonic smile welcomed me.

‘Dickhead,’ I insulted him, annoyed. He was pulling my leg.

He laughed, his eyes creasing with mirth. ‘Yes, darling, I live alone. Do you?’

‘No, I’ve got a flatmate – best mate.’ I looked around. ‘You have similar taste, actually. He’d have loved this place.’

He frowned. ‘He?’ he echoed. ‘You mean you live with a man?’


‘That’s a bit unusual, isn’t it?’

‘Maybe.’ I shrugged. ‘He’s like a brother to me, though.’

‘Poor guy.’ He tittered. ‘Is he aware you think of him that way?’

‘Of course, it’s a mutual thing.’

He looked sceptical. ‘I’m sure. You haven’t slept with him, then?’

I laughed at the preposterous idea. ‘Of course not.’

‘I can’t imagine he’ll be happy with my future visits.’

Visits? What did he mean ‘visits’? Had he forgotten that I apparently lived in Edinburgh?

I was about to ask what he meant when he put his hand on the small of my back and pushed me forward, tenaciously. Spread flat across his dining table, I felt his nails claw down my back.

‘Mm. You are a sight to behold,’ he said and left a soft kiss on my shoulder blade. As he stretched up to his full height behind me, he smoothed his hands across my buttocks.

‘This’ – he squeezed – ‘is more enticing than I could possibly express.’

I swallowed a lump in my throat and closed my eyes to prepare for his intrusion. Soon enough, he rubbed the tip of his erection over my slit, lubricating himself in my fluids. It was a careful action, and yet the sensation made me shiver. I was overly sensitive now. I would be coming again in record time.

‘Ready?’ he asked, his voice low and seductive.


He pushed into me with a lengthy groan of satisfaction. Searching for something to hold on to, I spread my arms and gripped the edges of the table. He grabbed my hips upon his steady retreat, and I perceived it as a warning. His next shove wasn’t going to be merciful.

But his subsequent thrust proved me wrong. Unlike earlier, he was deliciously delicate in his treatment this time around. He didn’t plough into me. Instead, he settled into a steady rhythm that massaged my front wall in the most pleasurable manner. In all fairness, this pattern was far worse, because it seemed to trigger me much faster.

‘Oh my God,’ I moaned and propped my upper body on my forearms. Using his hold on my hips, he dragged me to meet each of his thrusts, making him reach so blissfully deep.