He didn’t waste a second. Impatiently, he plunged his tongue into my mouth and reached for the sash of my coat, unravelling the knot. He spread it apart, arms circling my waist as he pressed me against him.

Without breaking from his mouth, I shrugged out of my coat and let it fall to the floor. The instant it landed, he pinned me forcefully against the wall. I groaned into his mouth, and he smiled at the sound. The anticipation was thick and dense in the air between us, and it revealed itself in how increasingly erratic our breathing became.

‘You know...’ he said as he moved to leave soft kisses on the slope of my neck. ‘Despite the sorry excuse for a man that I am, you seem to find yourself so lost and desperate that you’ve wound up in my bed after all.’ He raised his head, smiling conceitedly as he stared into my eyes.

My eyebrows furrowed with slight irritation. ‘Is that supposed to arouse me?’

‘No.’ He chuckled. ‘But it certainly aroused me.’

A small smile curved my mouth. ‘So degradation is your kink?’

His eyes gleamed. ‘Women who are challenging is my kink.’ He seized my jaw, holding it firmly, and ran his thumb across my lower lip. ‘You’re my kink.’

Suddenly he thrust his crotch against me, making me gasp. His erection strained against the lower part of my abdomen while his big hands trailed down my waistline and gripped my hips.

‘The shape of you should be illegal,’ he said admiringly and leaned slightly away to get a better look. A heartbeat later, his gaze struck mine like a bullet.

Caught by his allure, a groan leaped over my tongue. I flung my arms around his neck and brought his tempting lips back to mine. As the delectable flavour of him exploded in my mouth, I closed my eyes to savour it. Like an addict, I craved more of the drug-like sensations he evoked. Under his influence, I felt ecstatic.

Expertly, his tongue teased mine with gentle flicks. I had already noted his remarkable way of kissing, but that didn’t prevent it from mystifying me. How was it possible to be so tender, and yet simultaneously so forceful? He wasn’t eating my mouth, yet I had never felt so devoured. His lips moved according to the bliss-point, the brink between too much and too little.

Needing air, I pulled away. ‘Where did you learn to kiss like that?’

He smirked. ‘Unfortunately for me, you weren’t there.’

Heat streamed into my cheeks, turning them pink. Just when I was about to reply, he distracted me by dropping to his knees.

Puzzled, I looked down. ‘What are you doing?’

He put his hands over the pale skin of my bare knees and brought them over his shoulders. I almost let out a squeal, thinking I was about to fall backward, but, thankfully, the wall behind me served as support.

Inwardly, I commended his original move. It made me even more curious to know what scenes he could orchestrate. So far, he hadn’t proved particularly conventional.

At the sound of my muffled squeal, he grinned up at me, and the look in his eyes completely paralysed me. Through long dark lashes, he watched me intensely. Held by his wilful gaze, I didn’t object to his next advances. Slowly but confidently, his hands smoothed up my naked thighs, warm and soft. Then they moved inward. His touch left tingling sensations in its wake, making me pant loudly. Raw arousal flooded my veins the closer he drew to my nether lips, my heart thundering in my chest.

Only then did I realise the state of my black lace thong. Blushing scarlet, I stared bashfully at William as he drew closer to it. Not once did he break eye contact.

When his slow fingers reached the fabric of my wet underwear, he placed the pad of his thumb precisely against my pulsating clit. Acute and sharp, the sensation shot up my spine and all the way to my nose. My back arched away from the wall, my hands gathering in his dark brown hair.

My eyes shut.

Holy shit.

‘Ah,’ I groaned as he rubbed it gently.

‘Sandra . . . You’re drenched,’ he said smugly.

Opening my eyes, I was caught once more by his smouldering stare. He had beautiful eyes. They resembled a serene ocean surrounding a warm paradise. How ironic. He was anything but that.

‘Please. Take me already,’ I pleaded breathlessly and dragged my hands through his hair. It was soft and thick between my fingers.

‘Oh, I’ll take all of you, darling. Hard.’

I tensed up, my vagina throbbing furiously.

Keenly attuned to any response, he observed me intently and pushed my dress upward, revealing my bum. He smoothed his hands across the firm curve of it and, carnal in his methods, squeezed my cheeks before he gave my right side a quick, harsh spank. I hissed, the sting of his palm burning a mark on my skin. I nearly flinched away from him, but his hold on my hip prevented me.

‘That’s for being a bloody pain in the arse earlier,’ he said roughly and gripped my underwear. ‘Now, how much do you care for these?’