‘Yes, I’m still here. Did you hear what I said?’

‘Yes, but so what?’

‘What do you mean “so what”?’

‘Why should that matter?’

‘Well, wasn’t your aim tonight to...’ I paused and stole a glance at William. Lowering my voice, I continued, ‘Find a man?’

‘Oh my God. Cara, I’ll have plenty of opportunities to find a rebound in the future. I love you for caring so much, but I wouldn’t dream of getting in your way. Besides, I’m genuinely enjoying myself. Andy’s a really sweet guy, and he’s actually hilarious. To be perfectly honest, I started friend-zoning him even before you called to warn me.’

Unsure of her sincerity, I asked, ‘Really?’

‘Really. In fact, it dawned on me while we’ve been chatting that I don’t need to sleep with a stranger to reinstate my status as a single woman. What I need is an actual connection with someone. A one-night stand isn’t going to provide that, and it isn’t going to help me get over Colin, either. Frankly, I think sleeping with Andy would’ve made me feel like shit. I’d feel used again, which is the last thing I need right now. Only a new, genuine connection is going to help me get over Colin.’

Impressed with her rationale, my eyebrows arched. ‘Points for introspection, Livy. I’m glad you’ve got such a healthy mind.’

‘Are you being sarcastic?’

I tittered. While I had a habit of being sarcastic, I wasn’t now. ‘No. I’m being sincere. I’m impressed.’

‘Thank you! Honestly, I’m a bit impressed myself if I can say that.’

‘You can.’ I chuckled.

‘Well, then. With that out of the way, you can stop worrying about me. I’ll be fine. Get back to your man. I’ll want to hear every single detail in the morning.’

‘Okay. Speak soon, then.’

‘Yes. Love you.’

‘Love you too.’

As soon as I rang off, I gave William a grin and stuffed my phone back into my purse. ‘She doesn’t want him that way either, apparently.’

His responding grin far outmatched mine. ‘Problem’s solved, then, I take it?’

‘Seems that way.’

‘Brilliant. She say why?’

‘Well, like Andy, she’s recently split from her partner as well.’

‘I see.’

‘Now, then. Where to?’

‘Right this way.’ He reached for my hand again. As soon as our skin made contact, my heart contracted in the most peculiar way. I couldn’t remember having experienced a similar sensation in all my life. It was almost painful in its intensity.

‘Besides,’ I said once we started walking, ‘I’ve no idea what it’s like to endure a break-up, so I’m sure Livy appreciates speaking with somebody who understands, even if they don’t go into it.’

‘You’ve never had a boyfriend?’ William asked, sounding shocked.

I shook my head. ‘Nor am I looking for one.’

‘Why not?’ His tone was slightly odd, as if he was feigning nonchalance.

‘Because I don’t have the time that’s required for a happy one.’