‘Okay. I’ll place the order in the meantime. See you soon.’
‘All right, thanks.’
Hanging up, I returned to my call with Olivia.
‘What is it?’ She looked alarmed.
‘He’s on his way here! I had completely forgotten that we had planned to sleep at mine so that Tyler and Valentina could have the flat to themselves. What do I do? If I tell him he can’t sleep here, he’s going to wonder why.’
She rolled onto her stomach, and her knitted brows told me she was thinking. ‘Tell him he can’t when the party’s over. Yeah, it will be inconvenient for him if he’s left his stuff at yours, but if you tell him now, you’ll either have to explain things or come up with some lie. If you wait, you’ll at least avoid ruining his night – well, most of it.’
I took a deep breath, nodding. ‘Okay, yeah. That’ll work.’ I looked around my room, wondering whether William had left any traces behind.
‘One thing, though, and I don’t mean to make a bad situation worse, but...’ She trailed off, grimacing as she chewed on her lower lip.
She scratched her head, looking uncertain. ‘Well, you know, now that you’re ending things with Aaron...Has it maybe occurred to you that you might break his heart? I know we’ve had this conversation before but—’
‘Oh, no need to worry about that,’ I said with a faint smile. ‘He doesn’t want me that way. We actually talked about it quite recently, and he was very clear that he’s not interested in anything romantic at the moment. So yeah, I am absolutely sure his heart will be completely fine.’
Olivia blew out a loud breath of relief. ‘Oh, thank God. I’d hate it if you two fell out. I mean, I adore that guy, so I really don’t want to be torn between you. Obviously I’d pick you, I’m just saying I’d prefer not having to choose.’
‘Well, you won’t have to – in any event,’ I reassured her. ‘You know I’m not one to tell you who you can and can’t be friends with. Anyway, I’m hanging up. I need to order a pizza.’
‘Right. Try to have some fun tonight, yeah? I’m just a call away if you need me.’
‘Livy, you really are the best.’
‘I’m sending you strength.’
‘Thanks, I’ll need it.’
§ § §
My pulse was pounding in my throat when I pushed the button on the intercom to let Aaron in downstairs. I knew I wasn’t cheating on either him or William, but somehow it felt like it, and I hated it. I could hardly wait until the party was over so I could disclose things to Aaron. My conscience would finally be relieved then.
As I waited for him to arrive, I wondered what to do with myself. I was terribly scared that he would try to kiss me – or worse, try to have sex with me. We had a few hours to kill before we would head to the bash, and I hoped he wasn’t planning on spending some of them in my bed. If I rejected him too bluntly, he could sense that something was off and ask me about it. I wouldn’t be able to lie to him if that happened. My plan to maintain harmony, at least until tonight, would inevitably go up in smoke, then.
I can get ready, I thought. If I seemed busy when Aaron came in, he would probably be less likely to make sexual advances toward me.
I unlocked the front door and dashed into the bathroom. Just when I had plugged in my straightener, Aaron knocked.
‘Come in!’ I popped my head out of the bathroom and forced a smile. ‘Hiya.’
He dropped his scarlet bag on the floor and smiled back. ‘All right?’
‘I’m just getting ready,’ I said and escaped into the bathroom again. ‘Feel free to watch TV or something while you wait.’
‘What? Already? But we don’t have to be there till eight.’
‘I know, but I’m a woman, plus I’ve decided to straighten my hair.’
‘But you’re most beautiful with your natural waves,’ he said and arrived in the doorway.
I looked at him in the mirror. ‘Aw, thanks. But the look I’m planning calls for straight hair.’