His features hardened. ‘Will Aaron be there?’
My heart stilled and I swallowed. ‘Yes.’
His eyebrows jumped. He looked disbelieving.
I rushed to explain myself before he could say anything. ‘It’s just a birthday party. Nothing’s going to happen between us –I won’t, you know...’
He knitted a brow. ‘Fuck him?’
‘Er, yes.’ I wrinkled my nose. ‘That.’
He frowned for a beat. ‘Well, I’ve got poker night, so feel free to call me if you’d like some company after the bash.’
I bit my lower lip, smiling, and poured myself a cup of coffee. ‘Thanks. I’ll probably take you up on that offer.’
At this he visibly relaxed, his gaze softening. ‘Good.’
‘I’m going to have such an advantage tonight,’ Jason said smugly, changing the subject. ‘What with you being hungover for once.’ He smirked at William.
‘You’ll regret saying that.’ William chuckled. ‘It will make things even more embarrassing for you when I beat you.’
‘We’ll see.’
23 | it’s a long story
At five o’clock, William and Jason were about to leave. William wanted to go home and change clothes before he and Jason would head to Stephen’s together, who was hosting poker night this time around. As we stood in the hall, William wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close.
‘Have fun tonight,’ he said and brushed the back of his hand across my cheek.
I smiled up at him, my heart racing at his affectionate behaviour. ‘You too.’
He leaned down and kissed me, and it felt like my insides were soaring. I loved how casually he did it, as if we were already a couple, as if kissing me was the most natural thing in the world to him.
As he pulled away, he rubbed his nose against my smaller one. ‘Don’t hesitate to call me, no matter how late it is.’
I nodded and stroked his chest, feeling the dent between his big pecs. ‘Okay.’ I glanced at Jason, who was looking away from us with a huge grin on his mouth. ‘Look after Jason for me, all right? Don’t let him get too drunk.’
‘Don’t worry, Cara,’ Jason said, meeting my gaze. ‘I learned my lesson last time.’
‘He says that every time,’ William told me flatly.
He kissed me again, longer this time. I smiled against his lips, savouring the way they moved.
Jason groaned. ‘At this rate we’re going to be late, Will. You’ll only be away from her for a few hours. You can last that long.’
William leaned away with a sigh. ‘I’ll see you later,’ he said and curled his forefinger under my chin, tilting my head back.
Jason opened the door. ‘Come on, then.’
‘Yeah.’ William followed him out.
Right after they had gone, I went to my room and grabbed my phone to call Olivia on FaceTime. I had so much to tell her.
‘Hi, love,’ she answered with a grin. Judging by the marble artworks on the walls, she was in her room.