Dipping into his pocket, William produced his ticket for the cloakroom and handed it to Andy. ‘Fetch our things – and be quick about it. I’ll meet you outside.’
I had nearly passed out by the time William put me in a taxi. When he slid in next to me, I laid my head on his shoulder and surrendered to the darkness.
§ § §
I woke up to the sound of Jason’s voice. ‘Bloody hell, is she all right?’
‘She’s absolutely plastered,’ William said.
I heard a car door close, and it felt like I was moving, but not by myself.
‘Could you hold the door for me?’ William asked.
‘Yeah,’ Jason said.
When I finally found the strength to open my eyes, I saw the underside of William’s sharp, square jaw. He was carrying me across his chest, up a set of stairs. Where were we?
This angle made me feel sick again. It looked like the stairs above us were spinning. I wouldn’t be able to hold it down for much longer.
‘Will,’ I whimpered. ‘Toilet.’
‘Shit.’ He looked at me, grimacing. ‘Just hold it in for one more minute. We’re almost there.’
Jason rushed past us and opened the door to our flat, holding it for William.
The second William put me on the floor of the bathroom, I lifted the lid of the toilet and vomited.
‘Cara’ – William sighed as he gathered my hair to hold it for me – ‘you really are an idiot.’
‘Yes,’ I squeaked as I retched and retched until nothing came out. Tears welled in my eyes from vomiting so hard. Leaning away, I rested my head against the cold glass of the shower.
‘I can’t believe she got that drunk, especially in front of her boss,’ Jason said from the doorway. ‘You might be my brother, but for heaven’s sake. This is so unlike her.’
‘We haven’t exactly been together all night,’ William said. ‘She and Ellie were supposed to go to a club just the two of them, but then Andy and I asked to come along. We lost each other in the club. I suppose she didn’t expect to find me again.’
He was sort of lying, but I appreciated it. I was certain I would wake up to proper angst tomorrow.
‘You asked to come along? Wearing that?’ Jason seemed flummoxed. ‘And since when do you go clubbing?’
‘That’s enough,’ William said, sounding like a parental figure.
‘Are you drunk as well?’
‘A bit.’
‘Well, you can sleep here if you’re too tired to go home. I’m sorry you had to babysit Cara, man. I’m embarrassed on her behalf.’
‘It’s all right. It’s not the first time I’ve had to babysit a drunk idiot.’ William shot him a look. ‘But yeah, I’ll sleep over.’
Jason rubbed the back of his head. ‘Can I get you anything?’
‘I think Cara could use some water. She’s completely emptied her stomach. While you’re at it, bring some for me as well.’
‘On it.’ Jason turned and left.
Sighing, William reached over and flushed the toilet after me. As he leaned back, his hand skimmed my cheek, brushing my hair away.
‘Come on, darling,’ he said. ‘You need to brush your teeth.’ He grabbed my arms and lifted me. Tearless sobs escaped while I grimaced in protest. Although I felt better after puking, all I wanted was my bed.