I struggled to keep a steady gaze on him. The tequila had blunted my senses and slowed my reflexes.
‘Are you all right?’ he asked, furrowing his brows.
I narrowed my eyes, hoping it would make him stop spinning. Maybe three shots had been overdoing it.
‘I’m a bit drunk,’ I said. ‘Where’s Andy?’
‘I haven’t found him yet. Man’s not answering his phone either.’
It took me a while to process what he was saying. ‘Okay. I’ll keep waiting.’
‘No, we’re leaving. You look like you’re about to pass out.’
‘Okay.’ I slid off my stool and nearly lost my balance.
‘Jesus Christ.’ William rushed to grab my arms, holding me upright. ‘What happened?’ he asked, his eyes flitting to the bar. ‘Did she spike your water or something? You weren’t this...unwell when I left you.’
‘I had three shots of tequila,’ I confessed, unable to fix my gaze on his. ‘Bad idea.’
‘You what? What the hell did you do that for?’
‘I was sobering up.’ I shrugged. ‘I just wanted to...not be doing that.’
He pressed his lips together. ‘Well, you’re a fucking idiot.’
‘Yes.’ I nodded.
‘Come on, I’m taking you home.’ He wrapped his arm around my waist.
As we were walking out – clumsily, thanks to me – William suddenly spotted Andy among a group of women.
‘Andy!’ he shouted, his body tensing against mine. He was fuming, I could tell. ‘Put your dick away and get the hell over here!’
Resembling a scared dog, Andy moved toward us.
‘Why weren’t you answering your phone?’ William asked. ‘I’ve been looking everywhere for you.’
‘It’s probably on silent, I’m sorry. And I didn’t think to check it because I thought you were still busy with Cara.’ Andy looked at me then. ‘Goodness, is she all right?’
‘She’s completely off her face,’ William said and jerked me toward him when I nearly collapsed. ‘I need to take her home, but I’m not leaving you here – I leave you alone for two minutes, and this is what happens. Have you got no self-restraint? If Chloe had seen this...’
‘Chloe, Chloe, Chloe. I swear, sometimes, you’d think you were her boyfriend.’
William inhaled deeply. ‘Well, sometimes, I think she’d be better off with a man like me.’
Andy shot him a baleful look. ‘Careful, Will.’
‘Sorry, tough love.’
My stomach turned, the contents rising to my throat. It demanded all my remaining strength to swallow it back down.
‘Will,’ I moaned.
‘You – oh, for fuck’s sake, Cara. Are you going to be sick?’
I shook my head. ‘Just take me home, please.’