Page 121 of When The Night Falls

Turning my attention to Ellie’s desperate eyes, I gave her a fond smile. ‘Gorgeous girls only or am I allowed?’ I asked and gestured to the only vacant seat.

The lad that had noticed me first immediately stood up and pulled out the chair for me.

‘Please,’ he said and jerked his ginger head toward the seat. I smiled at him as I sat down.

‘I’m Lewis,’ he said as he descended beside me. ‘Those things over there are James and Francis, but they’re not worth your attention.’

‘What the hell, mate?’ James frowned. ‘Killing the competition already, are you?’

‘Like a true capitalist.’

‘Fuck you, then,’ Francis said.

I giggled.

‘Can I buy you a drink?’ Lewis asked me, brown eyes intense, like he wanted to suck out my soul.

‘She’s already got one,’ Ellie intervened and pushed a gin and tonic toward me, which I recognised as the one William had put on the table earlier. He had bought it for me?

‘All right, then. I’ll still be here for the refill, hopefully,’ Lewis said amusedly.

I gave him a lopsided smile as I raised the drink to my lips.

‘So what’s your name?’ he asked.

‘Jessica,’ I lied. It was just so amusing. I couldn’t shake off the habit. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ellie struggle to suppress a smile.

‘And how was work, Jessica? Do you work?’

‘Does it look like I don’t?’

‘You look like luxury, so you tell me.’


‘Got a taste for the finer things in life, have you?’ I teased back.

His thin lips tucked up into a smug smile while a ravenous gleam entered his eyes. ‘There’s not a doubt in my mind.’

I soon realised I had become Ellie’s entertainment for the night. She laughed nonstop while I teased the men accompanying us, and as though my attention was in short supply, they fought for it until they nearly surrendered their dignity. I knew the only reason they found me more interesting than Ellie was that I seemed available while she had a huge diamond on her finger, but I was having too much fun bantering with them to care about their intentions. For a good two hours, I kept them on their toes while they ordered round after round for Ellie and me.

I had almost forgotten about William when he suddenly grabbed my attention by putting his big hands on my bare shoulders. Startled, I nearly choked on my sip. Only one touch could make me feel this way, so I didn’t need to turn around to know who it was. Besides, after a glance at his hands, I had enough proof to be sure. Those beautiful long fingers had once caressed my naked body, and they had done it so well that I couldn’t ever forget their appearance, let alone the pleasure they had provided.

I tipped my head back and looked up at him, but he didn’t meet my gaze. Instead, his eyes resembled two blue flames as he glared at the men around me.

‘Gentlemen, I’m afraid I’ll have to steal this one away from you. Considering how many drinks you’ve bought her, I doubt she can walk in a straight line anymore,’ he said, voice composed, and squeezed my shoulders.

He did have a point. I felt quite drunk by now, but I wasn’t completely off my face either. I doubted that I could walk in a straight line, but I could probably make some fancy zigzag pattern for him.

Lewis frowned up at him. ‘I wasn’t aware she had a boyfriend.’

‘You don’t strike me as being aware in general,’ William riposted and pulled my chair back with surprising force.

I gasped at his insolent comment, shocked. Ellie pursed her lips so as not to laugh, but when James and Francis started guffawing, she lost control. Her laughter rumbled out of her until she snorted, and it made me giggle, so much so that I barely noticed William’s hand around mine while he dragged me away.

He didn’t stop until we had reached the bar, where Andy stood waiting. He released my hand and glowered down at me, but he said nothing.

Drunk as I was, I swayed a little under his stare. ‘What?’