Page 119 of When The Night Falls

I gaped with sympathy. What an ultimatum.

‘You’ve been together for a decade.’ Ellie shrugged. ‘It’s not surprising she’s reached that point.’

Andy looked displeased as he stared at her for a beat. ‘Well, when she puts it that way, I feel like my only purpose is to get her pregnant. It’s not romantic. I don’t feel seen, let alone heard. I just feel like a bag of sperm she desperately wants. And I’ve always been scared of babies. I’m not ready to change nappies and clean up spew, and I am definitely not ready to sleep three hours a night. I’m building my career, Ellie. Children will have to wait till I’ve reached a stable point in it.’

I was surprised to discover that I had so much in common with Andy. Suddenly I liked him much more, because he was finally starting to make sense to me. We were similar. I was certain I would have reacted precisely the same way if my partner had demanded we conceive when I didn’t feel ready.

Ellie rested her cheek in her hand and continued to regard him patiently. ‘Well, do you think she’ll change her mind?’

A sigh left Andy’s mouth, and I could hear that it had come from his heart. ‘I’m negotiating it with her. I’m trying to make her give me a few more years. I started with seven, but she drives a hard bargain, so I’m down to five at the moment. She keeps going on about female fertility depreciation, and saying that our children are more likely to have biological problems the longer we wait, things like that.’

‘But do you love her?’ Ellie brought herself to ask.

He stiffened, and from his furrowed brows, I could tell he found her question ridiculous. ‘Of course I love her. I can’t imagine my life without her. We’ve been together for ten years, Ellie. I’ve forgotten what it feels like not to love her.’

‘Well, at least you’re sure about that,’ she said, visibly charmed.

From behind, William’s voice rang through me. ‘Give her the damn baby, Andy. Hire an au pair if time’s becoming a problem. You’ve got the money.’

I froze completely. How close was he?

I had my answer when he leaned over my shoulder and placed a gin and tonic in front of me. Then he relocated his hand to my naked shoulder. His touch burned like fire, sending a delicious torrent of heat through my body. Hyperaware of his hand on me, I didn’t dare to face him. I was much too overwhelmed.

Andy bent his neck and looked up at him as he stood behind us. ‘I’ve already heard your opinion, Will – ten thousand times. Give it a rest already. It won’t be your baby to deal with.’

William gave him a smirk. ‘No. But if I were in your shoes, I’d give her the baby. Andy, last time you and Chloe hit a bump in the road, you lost the plot. You can’t manage without her. If you let her go, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.’

‘I’m with Will on this one,’ Ellie said.

I remained silent, pretending not to exist. This was not a discussion I wanted to get involved in. I knew too little to be able to form an opinion, but from the little I knew, I was honestly inclined to support Andy.

‘How about you, Cara? Are you with me?’ William asked and successfully ruined my effort to evade the topic.

Bending my neck, I met his smouldering eyes. I wanted to submerge myself in them, swim in the sensual pleasures they whispered of. Bewitched, I watched him, and forgot all about his question.

Andy laughed softly when I failed to respond. ‘I think you’ve dazzled her.’

His comment dragged me back. Straightening my neck, I looked toward the toilets. I had to escape William’s presence somehow. He looked nothing short of devastating, and I was absolutely susceptible to his allure.

‘I’m not dazzled,’ I lied. ‘I’d just rather not comment on something that is absolutely none of my business. I think we should let Andy decide for himself. Anyway, excuse me,’ I said and pushed my chair out.

‘Thanks, Cara,’ Andy said, and the affection in his voice made me give him a smile.

As I approached the ladies’ room, I felt William’s stare burning into my back. I escaped it as I walked in. Looking at an empty stall, I decided that I might as well relieve myself. I needed a minute to muster my strength before I could dare to go outside again. Being in the presence of William was like high-intensity interval training – quick breaks to regain my strength before I would push myself to the limit again, and with each interval, my overall strength declined.

‘Fuck,’ I muttered and shook my head as I walked out of the stall to wash my hands. Violet was there, leaning over a basin and drawing on a thin layer of nude lipstick while she studied her plump lips in the mirror. In the reflection, I saw her brown eyes swivel sideways.

‘Cara,’ she cooed. ‘You look lovely.’

I studied her from head to toe. She was wearing a beautiful black dress that clung to her curvaceous figure. She had such a beautiful bum, full and perky, and it was pointing straight at me. Between her incredible body and keen intellect, Phoebe would have lost her mind over Violet, and, frankly, my bi-curious side was too.

‘Thanks, Vi, but so do you,’ I said and approached the basin right beside her.

‘How have you found your first weeks with us?’ She put her lipstick in her purse.

‘Amazing,’ I said as I collected soap in my hand.

‘I’m glad. I’ve come across some of your work. The NDA you drafted for Clifford Paints was excellent. I was impressed.’ A sweet smile curved her lips.