‘What’s not so obvious at first sight,’ he went on, ‘is your admirable integrity, alluring personality and keen intellect. Simply put, you’re stunning in every way.’ He shrugged. ‘Ultimately, you’re totally bewitching, and quite impossible to forget.’
My breath caught in my throat at his climactic declaration. I stared at him, trying to process what he had said, but my brain was malfunctioning.
Olivia quickly nudged my arm. Recovering my wits, I gave William a genuine smile. His earlier insult, where he had accused me of not being a memorable encounter, had angered me. It was the way he had phrased it, as if I were an escort offering my services. But his compliments assuaged my resentment somewhat.
‘That’s sweet of you to say,’ I replied. ‘But I meant what I said earlier – you do look familiar. Livy thinks so as well.’
Frowning, he looked at Olivia. ‘Do I?’
She nodded. ‘No idea why, though. Have you been on telly?’
He chuckled. ‘Not to my knowledge.’
‘Newspapers?’ I asked.
William cocked his head. ‘Once or twice. Work-related, though.’
I narrowed my eyes. ‘How old are you?’
He grinned. ‘Now who wants to know?’
I rolled my eyes.
‘Tell you what,’ he said, ‘for every question you ask, I get to ask one as well.’
‘No deal.’
‘Oh, come on. What have you got to lose?’
‘My dignity.’
He burst out laughing. I wouldn’t get an answer from him anytime soon.
‘How old is he, Andy?’ I asked. Hoping to resemble a puppy, I pouted at him, but his ensuing scoff proved my efforts ineffective.
‘Sorry, love, you’re on your own.’
I sighed. It was worth a shot.
Wearing a sly smile, William gave his friend a nod of gratitude and said, ‘Looks like Livy’s finished her drink.’
Grinning, Andrew stood up. ‘I’d be delighted to buy you another,’ he said to Olivia.
‘I’ll come with you.’ She pushed herself out of the sofa.
My heart missed a beat. Was she blind to the fact that this was precisely what William had intended? Or did she mean to go along with it? Was she going to abandon me to the care of this dreadful man? This horribly intriguing person that I did not want to succumb to?
‘Don’t leave me,’ I pleaded.
Visibly amused, she met my gaze. ‘You’re a grown woman, Sandra. You’ll be all right. We’ve all seen that you can fend for yourself.’
From the faint pinkness in her cheeks, it was obvious that she wanted time alone with Andrew, but it would cost me severely. William had piqued my interest to the extent that I considered it morally wrong. He wasn’t right in the head. He was rude, and he was bloody attractive.
Lethal combination.
As I continued to entreat her with my eyes, William said, ‘Yes, I wonder what you’re scared of.’
I looked at him. ‘I’m not scared.’